Reinvigorate Antitrust Enforcement & Consumer Protection

Goal leaders

Jonathan Kanter

Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division

To achieve

To ensure economic opportunity and fairness for all, the Justice Department will reinvigorate both antitrust enforcement and consumer protection by aggressively challenging anticompetitive mergers and exclusionary practices, and by prosecuting price-fixing and allocation schemes that harm consumers, workers, and businesses alike. By September 30, 2023, the Justice Department will enhance its efforts to ensure economic opportunity and fairness by: (1) increasing the number of formalized partnerships with state, federal, and international partners by 90% above the FY 2021 baseline; and (2) implementing 100% of the policy measures suggested in Presidential Executive Orders on competition, including Executive Order 14036; and (3) engaging those who have experienced firsthand the effects of mergers and acquisitions – including consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, farmers, and independent businesses – in 100% of federal judicial districts as part of the Division’s public inquiry aimed at strengthening enforcement against illegal mergers by modernizing federal merger guidelines.