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Service provider


The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) serves over 5.5 million Veterans across 56 regional offices with personalized benefits and services related to education, life insurance, home loan guaranty, and employment. In 2020, VBA guaranteed 1.2 million home loans and provided Post-9/11 GI Bill payments to over 600,000 beneficiaries.

Designated Services

Previously-reported Services

Other Services


Applying for Education Benefits


VA education benefits help Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition, finding the right school or training program, and getting career counseling. Customers need to determine which of the five programs they are eligible for: Post-9/11; Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty or Selective Reserve; Reserve Educational Assistance Program; Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance; and the Veterans Educational Assistance Program.

Why this service was designated

VA education benefits serve many critical functions including as a recruitment and retention tool, to supplement opportunities missed because of military service, and to assist in the readjustment to civilian life. On a broader scale, educational benefits are meant to enhance the nation’s competitiveness through the development of a more highly educated and productive workforce. In FY21, education benefits were used by 876K beneficiaries for a total cost of $11.5 billion in payments for five programs.


Filing a request for a Decision Review


When there is a disagreement on a claims decision, Veterans or their beneficiaries can request to file for a decision review. The supplemental claim provides an opportunity for the Veterans and beneficiaries to receive full, partial, or further development of a claim. Veterans can file electronically or with a paper form for Higher-Level Review (VA FORM 20-0996, Decision Review Request: Higher-Level Review), but for the Supplemental Claim, customers need to send in a paper form (VA FORM 20-0995, Decision Review Request: Supplemental Claim) only. VBA is working on digitizing VA Form 20-0995.

Why this service was designated

VBA’s Higher-Level Review and Supplemental Claim process provides an important pathway for those who disagree with VA’s decision. A more senior reviewer will determine whether the decision can be changed based on a difference of opinion or an error. In FY21, VBA received 410,738 requests for a Compensation and Pension claims decision reviews, completed 381,808 reviews, and provided an average of $2,997 per retroactive award of benefits for each Compensation and Pension decision review granted.

Previously-reported Services

Prior to the first service designation exercise in 2022, HISPs were collecting data using methods unique to each agency, resulting in data that was not standardized. This previously-reported data was collected to increase visibility and awareness regarding customer experience through feedback data. Per A-11 guidance, service providers will collect feedback in a more standardized way.

Service   Previously-reported

Contacting the Benefits Administration contact center


VBA sends surveys to those who interact with its call centers.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

EDU’s review of 2nd quarter data identified:

  • Ease and Efficiency continue to score at the highest of all domains. Trust also continues to receive high scores.
  • Effectiveness is the lowest score domain for each survey except for receiving benefits where satisfaction is the lowest score.
  • Satisfaction scored high with Enrolling in School, however, scored the lowest with Receiving Education Benefits

Moment(s) That Matter to Veterans includes:

  • Trust and confidence received high scores for each survey
  • Based on the data provided, it appears that the responses are primarily favorable, however, there is room for improvement. As VA continues to modernize, the customer experience should continue to improve while the numbers of dissatisfied VA Beneficiaries continue to decrease.
  • Easily navigated, user-friendly interfaces for gathering VA data and smoother processes are important to our stakeholders; continual modernization is a key component. Continuing to prioritize customer service as well as timely responses is critical. With strategic initiatives in place, we hope to implement more streamlined processes so that the customer experience is top notch.

Future initiatives:

  • EDU continues to re-engineer the current VSignals surveys, in which we expect response rates will increase.
  • EDU expects Effectiveness scores to increase as VBA implements the Digital GI Bill Initiatives.

OAR’s review of 2nd quarter data identified:

  • The first survey question (Please indicate how you filed your decision review request) does not have an option to report the claim was filed online. The only options are by mail or fax, dropped it off at a VA Regional Office or my private attorney or Veteran Service Officer filed it for me. Claimants that filed online felt excluded/overlooked by that question.
  • Customer satisfaction continues to remain higher for HLR claimants participating in an informal conference

Two Insights from the Moments That Matter to Veterans includes:

  • There is a strong trend of Veteran feedback that VA Examinations return to the VA Medical Centers from contractors. Specific feedback indicates the examinations are rushed by contractors and/or Veterans feel they are not being taken seriously. Veterans indicated frustration with contractor examinations.
  • Claimants continue to request an advocate within VBA to aid with lane choice i.e. someone who can recommend the best lane and strategy for their individual situation. Service Recovery (SR)/Process Improvements (PI) respondents report the necessity for 3rd party assistance to choose a lane and file the appropriate claim. Most SR/PI respondents report they need assistance with navigating the process.

Future initiatives:

  • Veteran feedback and data will continue to be reviewed to identify trends and process improvement opportunities.
  • Supplemental claim is under the jurisdiction of Comp Service so it is being recommended they are integrated to discuss touchpoint 3.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 19028
Surveys offered: 19028
Responses: 3519
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4852
Surveys offered: 4852
Responses: 1202
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14477
Surveys offered: 14477
Responses: 3866
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 53435
Surveys offered: 53435
Responses: 1803
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 38663
Surveys offered: 38663
Responses: 1317
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 56512
Surveys offered: 56512
Responses: 1962

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

EDU’s review of 1st quarter data identified:

  • Ease/Simplicity and Efficiency/Speed continue to score at the highest of all domains; however, Confidence/Trust has grown to one of the highest domains as well.
  • The majority of respondents indicated the tools VA makes available to them to make education and training decisions was not applicable in their decision to apply for benefits. This is a pain point because EDU’s Confidence/Trust score depends on the response to this question. However, it’s not apparent whether or not respondents were aware of the tools, or the tools simply were not useful.
  • Equity/Transparency is the lowest score domain in each survey, except for Touchpoint 3 (“Receiving Benefits”) in which Satisfaction is the lowest score.

Moments That Matter to Veterans:

  • Satisfaction improved for each survey. Confidence/Trust scores also improved, but not as significantly across all surveys.

Future initiatives:

  • EDU continues to re-engineer the current VSignals surveys, in which we expect response rates will increase.
  • EDU expects Equity/Transparency scores to increase as VBA implements the Digital GI Bill Initiatives.

OAR’s review of 1st quarter data identified:

  • Customer/Veteran satisfaction remains higher for Higher-Level Review (HLR) claimants participating in an informal conference. Fifty-one percent of HLR survey respondents reported participating in an informal conference. Sentiment and average scores are similar at the two Decision Review Operation Centers. •The first survey question (“Please indicate how you filed your decision review request”) does not have an option to report the claim was filed online. The only options are by mail or fax, dropped it off at a VA Regional Office, or my private attorney or Veteran Service Officer filed it for me. Claimants that filed online feel excluded or overlooked.

Two Insights from Moments That Matter to Veterans:

  • Satisfaction with the HLR process is influenced by the decision review outcome. Comparison of cases where all issues were granted to cases where all issues were denied shows a significant positive sentiment trend for those cases where all issues were granted. This impacts satisfaction significantly as the grant rate is and will remain low. The dashboard only included decision review results for 8.8% of the Q1 cases. This data is populated from a CaseFlow-generated table within Enterprise Data Warehouse that historically has failed to provide adequate data. Claimants want to be part of the claim process and prefer to have the status of their claim communicated throughout the process. Filing a claim, waiting/not understanding what or if something is happening, and then receiving the decision by mail is perceived by the claimant as impersonal and exclusionary.
  • Claimants would like an advocate within VBA to aid with lane choice (i.e., someone who can recommend the best lane and strategy for their individual situation). Service Recovery (SR)/Process Improvement (PI) respondents report the necessity for third-party assistance to choose a lane and file the appropriate claim. Most SR/PI respondents report they need assistance with navigating the process, as the filing process is not intuitive for all claimants.

Future initiatives:

  • OAR will continue reviewing the trend analysis on Veteran outcomes and seek ways to improve satisfaction scores.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 19075
Surveys offered: 3542
Responses: 3542
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4855
Surveys offered: 1205
Responses: 1205
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14501
Surveys offered: 3349
Responses: 3349
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 55261
Surveys offered: 2568
Responses: 2568
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 33281
Surveys offered: 1561
Responses: 1561
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 71252
Surveys offered: 3109
Responses: 3109

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

EDU’s review of 4th quarter data identified:

  • EDU saw a decrease in response rates in Q4 due to an interruption in survey distribution during the month of August.
  • Ease/Simplicity and Efficiency/Speed continue to score at the highest of all domains.
  • ECC time to connect to a phone representative continues to be a pain point, as indicated by satisfaction score decrease in Q2, Q3, and Q4.
  • Quality continues to be the lowest scoring domain.

Moments That Matter to Veterans:

  • “Applying for Benefits” and ECC trust scores both decreased from Q3 to Q4
  • “Receiving Benefits” survey responses continue to increase from Q3 to Q4

Future initiatives:

  • EDU continues to re-engineer the current VSignals surveys, in which we expect response rates will increase.
  • VBA continues to address staffing shortages related to the ECC and has recently shifted ECC operations to OFO, which may reduce the time-to-connect pain point.
  • EDU expects Quality scores to increase as VBA implements the Digital GI Bill Initiatives.

OAR’s review of 4th quarter data identified:

  • Feedback from VSignals AMA FY22 Q4 surveys show customer satisfaction is higher with Veterans who are participating in informal conferences.
  • Scheduling informal conferences remains a pain point for HLR participants; 48% of HLR survey respondents participated in an informal conference (IC).

Two Insights from Moments That Matter to Veterans:

  • Customer/Veteran satisfaction scores continue to be related to the decision of the Higher-Level Review. A comparison of cases where all issues were granted versus cases where all issues were denied shows a significant positive sentiment trend for those where all issues were granted.
  • Scheduling informal conferences remains a pain point for HLR participants based on inconsistent communication. There have been documented instances where Veterans have felt pressure to engage in an IC on the spot, miss a call from VA in an attempt to schedule an IC, or even talk to someone from a DROC who informs the Veteran that they are only collecting a statement and another employee will hold the IC (but no other contact with the Veteran is subsequently made).

Going Forward:

  • The HLR decision process trends do not support the expectation that satisfaction scores will increase over time, as the data does not project the grant rate to increase significantly over time and the quality of AOJ decisions is expected to increase over time.
  • A new scheduling system is in works for the IC pain point. In time, it is expected that the new scheduling system will mitigate this hurdle.
  • OAR will continue focusing on trends that are influenced by Veteran expectations tied to actual outcomes, with the intent to impact satisfaction scores.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 19140
Surveys offered: 3690
Responses: 3690
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4843
Surveys offered: 1159
Responses: 1159
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14391
Surveys offered: 3581
Responses: 3581
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 31617
Surveys offered: 1587
Responses: 1587
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 12055
Surveys offered: 723
Responses: 723
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 30951
Surveys offered: 1665
Responses: 1665

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

OAR’s review of 3rd quarter data identified:

• Customer satisfaction remains higher for Veterans/customers participating in an informal conference. • Free text comments reveal some frustration related to the communication and scheduling of these informal conferences. • Satisfaction with the HLR process is influenced by decision review outcome (i.e. if decision is granted, satisfaction score increases; if decision is denied, satisfaction score decreases).

Two insights from Moments That Matter to Veterans include:

• VSignals AMA FY22 Q3 surveys revealed a strong trend of Veterans/customers providing compliments related to how we explained the higher-level review (HLR) process during informal conferences. • Comparison of cases where all issues were granted compared to cases where all issues were denied shows a significant positive sentiment trend for those cases where all issues were granted. This has an impact on Veteran satisfaction with the HLR process and impacts our scores.

Going forward:

• The nature of the HLR decision process does not lead us to believe that satisfaction scores will increase over time because we do not expect the grant rate to increase significantly over time. • OAR will continue reviewing the trend analysis on Veteran outcomes and seek ways to improve satisfaction scores.

EDU’s review of 3rd quarter data identified:

• Ease/Simplicity and Efficiency/Speed have consistently scored the highest of all domains. • The overall EDU survey response rates increased noticeably in Q3. • ECC time to connect to a phone representative emerged as a new pain point as indicated by satisfaction score decrease in Q2 and again in Q3. • Quality continues to be the lowest score domain.

Two insights from Moments That Matter to Veterans include:

• “Receiving Benefits” substantially increased survey responses from Q2 to Q3. • “Apply for Benefits” and ECC trust scores both decreased for Q2 to Q3.

Going forward:

• EDU expects to see gains in the Quality Domain as VBA continues to deploy technical and automation improvements as part of the Digital GI Bill initiative. • VBA is addressing staffing shortages related to the ECC time-to-connect pain point. • EDU expects trust scores to increase following an annual pattern as students return to school in Q4.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 19287
Surveys offered:
Responses: 3549
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4880
Surveys offered:
Responses: 1178
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14585
Surveys offered:
Responses: 3562
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 46732
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 2148
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 28861
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 1578
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 48474
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 2302

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

A review of the comments from Q2 showed keywords such as “concern” and “frustration” were occurring at the same or similar frequency as “helpful” and “clear.” This suggests there is an inconsistent distribution of educational materials or absorption of Appeals Management Act (AMA) related to the Higher Level Review (HLR) purpose and process. However, it should be noted that with this suggestion there were multiple comments expressing gratitude with the VA decision maker explaining everything to eliminate issues and hurdles.

There are some concerns, based on comments, that informal conferencing scheduling is inconsistent. Veterans have voiced “playing phone tag” with the VA which suggests a more aggressive and standardized approach to scheduling hearings should be considered. A review of the CX feedback from FY22 Q1 found a strong trend in the word “helpful” and “clear” from multiple Veterans that have used the HLR process. This is supported by CX feedback from FY22 Q1 that found a strong trend in complimenting how issues and events in the HLR process were explained which enhanced the Veteran experience. Professional behaviors with VA personnel operating in the HLR process showed consistency with Q2 as it did with Q1 with comments both complimentary and concerning operating within the same feedback range as it did in Q1. Overall this suggests VA personnel are doing the correct actions at the beginning, with room to grow in operational aspects. Informal Conferences continue to be identified as a hurdle with regards to scheduling. Comments have been identified as frustration within the communication of these informal conferences. However, it cannot be concluded if this is a point of view difference or an actual issue that should be addressed. It can be suggested, however, that a more aggressive approach to scheduling can be recommended. No new pain points have been identified at this time.

This quarter, the Enrolling in School survey saw substantial increases over the other two benefits surveys. Additionally, as did the Applying for Benefits survey question about the usefulness of the GI Bill Comparison Tool saw an increase; however, the increase was expected based on GI Bill Comparison Tool updates made this year. Satisfaction scores dropped while trust scores remained the same. However, satisfaction scores have increased and are in line with trust scores again. Quality continues to be the lowest-scoring domain, though it increased this quarter. We believe Quality is being affected by the perception of uncertainty caused by system upgrades and the deployment of the enrollment verification requirement. As students become acclimated to those changes, their perceptions of Quality seem to be improving, especially as we identify and address system issues caused by modernization. Additionally, the process after submitting an application or receiving a Certificate of Eligibility also continues to score lower. Call wait times became a new pain point this quarter due to enrollment verification, though that score was increasing by the end of the quarter. VBA is reviewing all aspects of its Education VSignals collection, analysis, and decision-making processes this year. VBA is also continuing to deploy technical and automation improvements as part of the Digital GI Bill initiative that should improve scores in the Quality domain.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 19270
Surveys offered:
Responses: 3674
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4887
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 1246
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14527
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 3836
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 48375
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 2417
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 40299
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 2782
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 47666
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 2709

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

   This quarter VBA’s scores increased in the Trust and Effectiveness domains; Employee Helpfulness and Ease/Simplicity are the highest-scoring domains. Through faster internal communications, facilitated by technology, VBA was able to expedite claims that were pending additional information or clarification.   VBA is enhancing the Ease/Simplicity domain by employing the GI Bill Journey communications campaign and implementing new technical capabilities to improve personalized information access. VBA is also updating the Call Center platform to resolve technology issues concerning ease of access. 
    Examples of pain points include a preference that informal conferences be scheduled rather than conducted at the time of first contact; terminology being used by the specialist; and estimated completion time provided to callers. VBA is addressing these pain points through service recovery feedback and refresher trainings, which include listening to call recordings.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 18683
Surveys offered: 18683
Responses: 3407
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4214
Surveys offered: 4214
Responses: 890
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14726
Surveys offered: 14726
Responses: 3407
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 55431
Surveys offered: 55431
Responses: 2683
Service provided: VBA Education Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 50221
Surveys offered: 46963
Responses: 2019
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 26484
Surveys offered: 26484
Responses: 1317
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 55442
Surveys offered: 55442
Responses: 2654
Service provided: VBA Insurance Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 15081
Surveys offered: 13856
Responses: 1780
Service provided: VBA Nation Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 112091
Surveys offered: 105910
Responses: 11968

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 18661
Surveys offered: 18661
Responses: 3482
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served:
Surveys offered: 3990
Responses: 911
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14568
Surveys offered: 14568
Responses: 3538
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 48118
Surveys offered: 48118
Responses: 2702
Service provided: VBA Education Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 49337
Surveys offered: 46496
Responses: 2068
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 25907
Surveys offered: 25907
Responses: 1661
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 46520
Surveys offered: 46520
Responses: 2774
Service provided: VBA Insurance Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 11791
Surveys offered: 8795
Responses: 863
Service provided: VBA Nation Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 1920213
Surveys offered: 108685
Responses: 11775

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 18876
Surveys offered: 18876
Responses: 3570
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 4022
Surveys offered: 4022
Responses: 1068
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 14989
Surveys offered: 14989
Responses: 3857
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 879742
Surveys offered: 55689
Responses: 2720
Service provided: VBA Education Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 291201
Surveys offered: 44890
Responses: 1899
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 879742
Surveys offered: 29979
Responses: 1539
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 879742
Surveys offered: 55323
Responses: 2737
Service provided: VBA Insurance Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 6447
Surveys offered: 6005
Responses: 556
Service provided: VBA Nation Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 1658083
Surveys offered: 109207
Responses: 11069

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Data Highlights: NCC - Efficiency increased by 10 percentage points over the past year; All domains are steadily increasing each quarter ECC - Employee helpfulness remains over 90%
INS - All domains increased by 3 percentage points or more; Satisfaction increased by 9 percentage points EDU - Equity had a 22 percentage point correction from FY21 Q1 with applying for benefits OAR - Operational data still under review and validation

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served:
Surveys offered: 18389
Responses: 3673
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served:
Surveys offered: 3938
Responses: 1148
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served:
Surveys offered: 14625
Responses: 4030
Service provided: VBA Education Applying for Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: mobile
People served: 478317
Surveys offered: 46929
Responses: 2432
Service provided: VBA Education Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: computer
People served: 433452
Surveys offered: 31765
Responses: 1320
Service provided: VBA Education Service Enrolling in School
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
People served: 274402
Surveys offered: 26447
Responses: 1461
Service provided: VBA Education Service Receiving Benefits
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: email
People served: 428526
Surveys offered: 49526
Responses: 2915
Service provided: VBA Insurance Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: computer
People served: 115197
Surveys offered: 5163
Responses: 507
Service provided: VBA Nation Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: computer
People served: 1818527
Surveys offered: 99381
Responses: 10186

Q1 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

VBA National Call Center (NCC) data highlights: 89% of Veterans find the NCC employees helpful Efficiency increased from 60% to 77% from FY20 Q1 to FY21 Q1

Operational data still under review and validation for VBA’s EDU Call Center and EDU Service surveys. This entry will be updated when data is cleared.

Service details
Service provided: AMA Filing a Request for Decision Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 16609
Surveys offered: 16609
Responses: 2975
Service provided: AMA Higher-Level Review
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 0
Surveys offered: 3544
Responses: 866
Service provided: AMA Supplemental Claim
Transaction point: e-mail survey with online response collection
Channel: email
People served: 0
Surveys offered: 13155
Responses: 3216
Service provided: VBA Insurance Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: computer
People served: 100742
Surveys offered: 4030
Responses: 371
Service provided: VBA Nation Call Center
Transaction point: CX data is collected using an online transactional survey disseminated three times a week within 2-5 days after callers have interacted with the call center.
Channel: computer
People served: 1683468
Surveys offered: 92833
Responses: 9241

Other Services

Service   Non-HISP Service

VA Pact Act


As soon as the PACT Act was passed, VA stood up resources to ensure that Veterans and their supporters could easily access information about the PACT Act: a digital front door (va.gov/PACT) and a phone number (1-800-MyVA411) to address PACT Act questions. VA also set up tools to evaluate our success in communicating clearly and effectively with our Veterans, using the experience measurement framework outlined in A-11 Section 280.

Of the 117,800 Veterans who filed a PACT Act claim by November, more than 24,000 provided feedback to VA - with 66.3% “agreeing” or “strongly agreeing” with the statement “It was easy to file my PACT Act claim” and nearly 30% of respondents saying that they found out about applying through a notification from the VA (a similar number learned through a Veteran Service Officer or Organization). You can review this performance data here.

Service provider


The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is the largest integrated health care system in the United States, providing care at 1,293 health care facilities, including 171 VA Medical Centers and 1,112 outpatient sites of care of varying complexity to over 9 million Veterans enrolled in the VA health care program.

Designated Services

Previously-reported Services


Utilizing in-person primary care


Primary Care gives eligible Veterans easy access to health care professionals familiar with their needs. Primary Care provides long-term, patient-provider relationships, coordinates care across a spectrum of health services, educates, and offers disease prevention programs. Primary Care now serves as the foundation of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care and became the first point of contact with the health care system for Veterans enrolled in VHA.

Primary care is the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by physicians and their health care teams who are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community. Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) is a customized patient-centered medical home model of care adopted and branded by VHA. Most of our Veteran patients utilize VHA’s primary care service and have their own PACT.

Why this service was designated

Primary Care is the largest health care service in Veterans Health Administration (VHA). There are over 80,000 VHA employees that directly or indirectly provide primary care services. Further, the budget for primary care (and other related ancillary services that constitute ambulatory care in VHA) was over 27 billion dollars in 2020. There were over 11 million primary care appointments in the VA during FY21.


Utilizing inpatient medical/acute care


An enrolled Veteran patient may require inpatient care due to a variety of factors concerning their current health care. VA inpatient care includes a full spectrum of treatment including medical, surgical, mental health, dialysis, and acute care. VA inpatient care provides access to intensive care units (medical, surgical, mental health, cardiac), transplant care, spinal cord injury centers, traumatic brain injury units, and polytrauma centers. Depending on the care the enrolled Veteran requires, the Veteran may be admitted at a local VA medical facility; a further from home VA medical facility; or a local medical facility that partners with VHA.

Why this service was designated

VHA has a large number of inpatients every day on average, and it is one of the core health care service offerings. In 2020, VA spent over ten billion dollars to directly support inpatient medical care within the VA (medical services and medical facilities) and another six billion dollars for inpatient medical care in the community (outside of VA).

Previously-reported Services

Prior to the first service designation exercise in 2022, HISPs were collecting data using methods unique to each agency, resulting in data that was not standardized. This previously-reported data was collected to increase visibility and awareness regarding customer experience through feedback data. Per A-11 guidance, service providers will collect feedback in a more standardized way.

Service   Previously-reported

Receiving outpatient services


VHA sends email surveys to everyone who receives outpatient services.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8682652
Surveys offered: 2930060
Responses: 520867

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 11354605
Surveys offered: 2857776
Responses: 504976

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8599472
Surveys offered: 3035994
Responses: 540180

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

VA continues to perform fairly strongly across its outpatient surveys in regards to satisfaction and trust.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8639420
Surveys offered: 2300999
Responses: 376365

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8663572
Surveys offered: 2050105
Responses: 345457

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8965344
Surveys offered: 2009274
Responses: 330119

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Veterans Health Administration (‘VHA’) continues to focus on improving trust across its outpatient and other health care services. There is renewed focus on Veteran’s safety across the enterprise with a new outpatient safety survey being added to VHA’s outpatient surveys. Further, VHA continues to monitor the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having in regards to both customer experience and access to services.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8738490
Surveys offered: 1894679
Responses: 308582

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 9085572
Surveys offered: 1893559
Responses: 306701

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSignals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 9707552
Surveys offered: 1774363
Responses: 320979

Q1 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The insights collected digitally enabled veterans to submit feedback about their outpatient services. As soon as Veterans pressed submit digitally, the insights were available in Veterans Signals (VSIgnals), VA’s CX deployment/collection/analysis software capability, within seconds. Veterans Health Administration used those insights to action plan for immediate to short-term service recovery and also for long-term program and systems improvements.

Service details
Service provided: Outpatient Services
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon receiving Outpatient Services
Channel: email
People served: 8348464
Surveys offered: 1765965
Responses: 288290