
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

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Service provider


The Social Security Administration (SSA) serves over 40 million retirees and their loved ones each year. For the 55 million spouses and dependents of retirees who have passed on, the Old-Age & Survivors Insurance (OASI) pays them over $944 billion in benefits a year. For the 10 million retirees who are disabled, the Disability Insurance program (DI) pays them about $145 billion. The Supplemental Security Income pays over $55 billion to nearly 8 million people who both are low-income and have a disability.

Designated Services

Previously-reported Services


Applying for a replacement Social Security card


Customers may need a replacement card for a number of reasons, such as misplacing their card, damaging their card, or updating their Social Security Number record, such as name change. Customers may need their Social Security cards to show their employers when accepting a new job, access certain government services, or enroll in health insurance.

Why this service was designated

A Social Security number (SSN) is required to work in the United States. The purpose of the SSN is to track earnings to determine the amount of Social Security benefits an individual may receive. An SSN card may be required when accepting a job, enrolling for health insurance, or accessing certain government services. Many other organizations, such as schools, banks, and state and local agencies, may ask for an SSN card, but they are not required to do so and can typically use other forms of identification. Many times, people do not need their card at all and just need to know their number (www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/). The use of the SSN drives a significant number of requests to obtain replacement Social Security cards.

In fiscal year (FY) 2020, with the pandemic disrupting in-person operations for half of the fiscal year, we issued about 5.8 million replacement cards via in-person requests and about 2 million cards through our Internet Social Security Number Replacement Card (iSSNRC) online option. The trend of increased iSSNRC usage continued into FY 2021, with just over 3 million customers using our online replacement card service.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Online Retirement Application: The Online Retirement feedback collection is designed to capture customers’ responses after they successfully save or submit an iClaim application. These customers reported a 91.5% satisfaction rate with the process, which is a 1% increase from Fiscal Year 2023 Q1. The placement of this survey limits our ability to identify pain points from unsuccessful attempts and understand what matters to customers who struggle to complete their requests.

To address the limitations with the existing survey placement, we plan to relocate the Online Retirement survey within the iClaim application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful filing attempts by the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Online Replacement Social Security Card: Customers can request a replacement Social Security card online via their mySocialSecurity account. Requesting a replacement card is one of a suite of services available to customers through their personal accounts. The current feedback collection captures responses from a percentage of customers upon exiting their mySocialSecurity account and requires them to select the activity they are trying to accomplish. Of the customers who were offered the survey and selected ‘Get a Social Security Card (e.g., replacement)’, 80.2% indicated they were satisfied. This is a 2.1% decrease in satisfaction compared to Fiscal Year 2023 Q1. The current feedback collection for online replacement card services makes it difficult to identify pain points because it is not a targeted survey specific to the online replacement card process.

To enhance our online replacement card feedback collection, we intend to include a customer survey within the online replacement Social Security card application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful attempts by the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Service details
Service provided: Applying for a replacement Social Security card (online)
Transaction point: Upon submission of an online replacement card application
Channel: website
People served: 684241
Surveys offered: 0
Responses: 1697

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Filing for Retirement Benefits Online:

The Online Retirement feedback collection is designed to capture customers’ responses after they successfully save or submit an iClaim application. These customers reported a 90.7% satisfaction rate with the process. The placement of this survey limits our ability to identify pain points from unsuccessful attempts and understand what matters to customers who struggle to complete their requests. To address the limitations with the existing survey placement, we plan to relocate the Online Retirment survey within the iClaim application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful filing attempts before the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Applying for Replacement Social Security Card Online:

Customers can request a replacement Social Security card online via their mySocialSecurity account. Requesting a replacement card is one of a suite of services available to customers through their personal accounts. The current feedback collection captures responses from a percentage of customers upon exiting their mySocialSecurity account and requires them to select the activity they are trying to accomplish. Of the customers who were offered the survey and selected ‘Get a Social Security Card (e.g., replacement)’, 82.3% indicated they were satisfied. The current feedback collection for online replacement card services makes it difficult to identify pain points because it is not a targeted survey specific to the online replacement card process. To enhance our online replacement card feedback collection, we intend to include a customer survey within the online replacement Social Security card application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful attempts by the end of the third quarter in Fiscal Year 2023.

Service details
Service provided: Applying for a replacement Social Security card (online)
Transaction point: Upon submission of an online replacement card application
Channel: website
People served: 578830
Surveys offered:
Responses: 1398


Filing for Social Security retirement benefits


Customers age 62 and over who qualify utilize this service to access their retirement and Medicare benefits, which provide monetary payments and health insurance. We are responsible for processing and adjudicating applications for Social Security retirement benefits and, in partnership with the Medicare program, enrolling individuals in Medicare Parts A and/or B. We assist applicants in completing retirement applications online, over the phone or at local Social Security field offices. We also provide online access to my Social Security accounts, so customers can view their statements, check their earnings, and estimate their retirement benefits.

Why this service was designated

SSA provides benefits to support the financial security of more than 70 million people. Our largest program is the Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI)* program, which provides benefits to an average of over 55 million qualified workers and their families each month. In fiscal year (FY) 2021, the OASI program provided benefits totaling almost $1 trillion. Each year, we process approximately 6 million OASI claims. For the elderly population, Social Security can be a major source of income. As of a June 2021 report, Social Security benefits represent about 30 percent of income for the elderly.

*OASI includes survivor and dependent claims

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Online Retirement Application: The Online Retirement feedback collection is designed to capture customers’ responses after they successfully save or submit an iClaim application. These customers reported a 91.5% satisfaction rate with the process, which is a 1% increase from Fiscal Year 2023 Q1. The placement of this survey limits our ability to identify pain points from unsuccessful attempts and understand what matters to customers who struggle to complete their requests.

To address the limitations with the existing survey placement, we plan to relocate the Online Retirement survey within the iClaim application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful filing attempts by the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Online Replacement Social Security Card: Customers can request a replacement Social Security card online via their mySocialSecurity account. Requesting a replacement card is one of a suite of services available to customers through their personal accounts. The current feedback collection captures responses from a percentage of customers upon exiting their mySocialSecurity account and requires them to select the activity they are trying to accomplish. Of the customers who were offered the survey and selected ‘Get a Social Security Card (e.g., replacement)’, 80.2% indicated they were satisfied. This is a 2.1% decrease in satisfaction compared to Fiscal Year 2023 Q1. The current feedback collection for online replacement card services makes it difficult to identify pain points because it is not a targeted survey specific to the online replacement card process.

To enhance our online replacement card feedback collection, we intend to include a customer survey within the online replacement Social Security card application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful attempts by the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Service details
Service provided: Filing for retirement benefits online
Transaction point: Upon filing an online claim
Channel: website
People served: 862141
Surveys offered: 862141
Responses: 61694

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Filing for Retirement Benefits Online:

The Online Retirement feedback collection is designed to capture customers’ responses after they successfully save or submit an iClaim application. These customers reported a 90.7% satisfaction rate with the process. The placement of this survey limits our ability to identify pain points from unsuccessful attempts and understand what matters to customers who struggle to complete their requests. To address the limitations with the existing survey placement, we plan to relocate the Online Retirment survey within the iClaim application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful filing attempts before the end of Fiscal Year 2023.

Applying for Replacement Social Security Card Online:

Customers can request a replacement Social Security card online via their mySocialSecurity account. Requesting a replacement card is one of a suite of services available to customers through their personal accounts. The current feedback collection captures responses from a percentage of customers upon exiting their mySocialSecurity account and requires them to select the activity they are trying to accomplish. Of the customers who were offered the survey and selected ‘Get a Social Security Card (e.g., replacement)’, 82.3% indicated they were satisfied. The current feedback collection for online replacement card services makes it difficult to identify pain points because it is not a targeted survey specific to the online replacement card process. To enhance our online replacement card feedback collection, we intend to include a customer survey within the online replacement Social Security card application to collect customer feedback for both successful and unsuccessful attempts by the end of the third quarter in Fiscal Year 2023.

Service details
Service provided: Filing for retirement benefits online
Transaction point: Upon filing an online claim
Channel: website
People served: 837449
Surveys offered: 837449
Responses: 52245


Obtaining Adult Disability Benefits


The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of the Federal programs that assist people with disabilities. About 7.6 million disabled workers and 4.2 million disabled adults with little or no income receive monthly benefits under these programs. Only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program. We pay disability benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. We assist applicants with completing applications online, over the phone, through the mail, or at local Social Security field offices.

Why this service was designated

Our customers, in every aspect of their journey with us, expect an experience that is informed, helpful, timely and fair. Individuals and families depend on us to deliver timely benefits and services to meet their essential needs. We are focused on handling the significant number of claims from people waiting over six months for a disability determination. Designating this service is part of our effort to address this challenge.

Previously-reported Services

Prior to the first service designation exercise in 2022, HISPs were collecting data using methods unique to each agency, resulting in data that was not standardized. This previously-reported data was collected to increase visibility and awareness regarding customer experience through feedback data. Per A-11 guidance, service providers will collect feedback in a more standardized way.

Service   Previously-reported

Accessing Social Security services online


SSA surveys people who use their online services.

Quarterly data reported

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

FY 2022 Q4 respondent feedback for online services is comparable to Q3 of FY 2022. We are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed. About 83 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” About 80 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed” and “It was easy to complete what I needed to do.”

We are building out our Voice of the Customer (VoC) architecture to gain customer feedback to understand their perceptions, needs, and preferences. In FY 2023, we will establish and collect end-of-journey customer feedback for our priority service designation(s). We plan to use data from our VoC feedback collection to develop and implement solutions to address customer pain points and improve customer satisfaction.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 61805115
Surveys offered: 12467039
Responses: 59634

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In April this year, we successfully reopened our 1,230 field offices across the country to in-person service for people without appointments while continuing to offer an array of online services. FY 2022 Q3 respondent feedback for online services is comparable to Q2 of FY 2022. We are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed. About 80 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” About 77 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed” and “It was easy to complete what I needed to do.”

We strive to provide accessible services and programs. We are committed to reaching people who face barriers that may prevent them from getting the help that they need. For example, we recently launched an online Protective Filing tool to request an appointment to file for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program and protect the earliest date to receive benefits if we determine they are eligible for SSI. Customers can request an appointment for themselves, another adult, or child. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of this tool.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 50549895
Surveys offered: 10694969
Responses: 73401

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Providing customers with a great experience is an agency priority. We have reimagined our website with a new design and launched a beta version of the new site that will help our customers more easily apply for benefits and access a wide range of services. The redesigned website helps customers find the answers to their questions so they can feel confident in the decisions they are making. Customers can also quickly access the right information to complete the tasks they come online to do. We will permanently replace the current SSA.gov website with the new design later this year—reinforcing our commitment to improving customer experience and service delivery.

We are implementing a number of Voice of Customer (VoC) enhancements, including migrating our feedback collection to our enterprise VoC tool (Medallia). We are in the process of transitioning our customer feedback collection for online services from ForeSee to the Medallia platform, and we are planning to complete this by FY 2023. For this transition period, it is possible some of the VoC feedback will be collected and calculated in ForeSee, and some will be collected in Medallia. The sampling methodology in Medallia will also differ from ForeSee to include a greater swath of customers, which may complicate comparing data from before and after the transition. We also plan on adding Equity/Transparency and Employee Interaction questions to our online surveys once we transition from ForeSee to Medallia.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 69022550
Surveys offered: 15553332
Responses: 140909

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Our FY 2022 Q1 respondent feedback improved compared to Q4 of FY 2021. Despite the service adjustments we made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed. Nearly 83 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” About 80 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed.” About 80 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “It was easy to complete what I needed to do.”

Planned CX Activities/Initiatives: We are committed to listening to customers and finding better ways of serving them. We recently launched an online Customer Feedback Survey. The feedback does not collect personal information, and allows customers to rate their experiences with us. We will use the feedback to identify common and recurring issues and formulate solutions to improve our service.

We are also working to implement five agency-specific Customer Experience (CX) deliverables in Executive Order 14058, “Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government.” The first deliverable is a report that analyzes our policies that require our recipients and beneficiaries to submit original or physical documentation to us and appear in person for identity and evidence authentication. This analysis will help us identify potential policy changes and reform. Another CX deliverable is to develop a mobile-accessible, online process so that any individual applying for or receiving Social Security services can upload forms, documentation, evidence, or correspondence associated with their transaction without the need for service-specific tools or traveling to a field office.

Additionally, we are implementing a number of Voice of Customer (VoC) enhancements, including migrating our feedback collection to our enterprise VoC tool (Medallia). In FY 2022 Q3 and FY 2022 Q4, we will begin transitioning our customer feedback collection for online services from ForeSee to the Medallia platform. For this transition period, some of the VoC feedback will be collected and calculated in ForeSee, and some will be collected in Medallia. The sampling methodology in Medallia will differ from ForeSee to include more customers, which may complicate comparing data from before and after the transition. We also plan on adding Equity and Employee Interaction questions to our online surveys once we transition from ForeSee to Medallia.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 68984347
Surveys offered: 15404191
Responses: 166238

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

For FY 2021 Q4, we are submitting the results of our ForeSee customer satisfaction score for our online services. After reviewing our Q4 results, we observe respondent feedback that is comparable to Q3 of FY 2021. Despite the service adjustments we made beginning in mid-March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in Q4 we are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed. Nearly 79 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” Over 75 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed.” Over 76 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “It was easy to complete what I needed to do.” Our overall Customer Satisfaction score remains above 80 - the ForeSee threshold of excellence.

Planned CX Activities/Initiatives: Providing information to the public about entitlement to our services is an agency priority. We have redesigned the Social Security Statement (Statement). Now, it is much easier for people to find the information they need to plan their financial future. Some enhancements include: a shorter statement in clear language, a simple bar chart displaying the person’s estimated retirement benefits for up to nine different ages at which benefits might start, and text boxes emphasizing key facts people need for financial planning. We have added fact sheets tailored to the recipient’s age group and earnings situation, to accompany the Statement.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 45471835
Surveys offered: 10107675
Responses: 79132

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

For FY 2021 Q3, we are submitting the results of our ForeSee customer satisfaction score for our online services. After reviewing our Q3 results, we observe respondent feedback that is comparable to Q2 of FY 2021. Despite the service options adjustments we made beginning in mid-March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed in Q3. Over 85 percent of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” Nearly 82 percent of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed.” Our overall Customer Satisfaction score remains above 80 - the ForeSee threshold of excellence.

Planned CX Activities/Initiatives: Improving access to our services is an agency priority. We designated liaisons to work directly with community organizations that commit to helping us reach people facing barriers to our services. More than 2,000 organizations have already committed to helping, and the list continues to grow. We also are providing each partner organization with training and resources to help them better assist their clients.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 53745031
Surveys offered: 12082657
Responses: 89149

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

For FY 2021 Q2, we are submitting the results of our ForeSee customer satisfaction score for our online services. After reviewing our Q2 results, we observe respondent feedback that is comparable to Q1 of FY 2021. Despite the service options adjustments we made beginning in mid-March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to report continued positive respondent satisfaction scores for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed in Q2. Over 86% of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” Nearly 83% of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed.” Our overall Customer Satisfaction score remains above 80 - the ForeSee threshold of excellence.

Planned CX Activities / Initiatives: Improving customer service and the customer’s experience continues to be our Commissioner’s priority. We are testing video appointments for customers who need a new Social Security card but do not need to change any of the information in our records. We tested drop box and express appointment options for the public to bring in documentation, and we will be expanding those initiatives. In an effort to raise awareness of our Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Programs, we are working with our advocates and community-based organizations to launch a national campaign to encourage our most vulnerable populations to apply.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 47431340
Surveys offered: 10502662
Responses: 107528

Q1 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

For FY 2021 Q1, we are submitting the results of our ForeSee customer satisfaction score for our online services. After reviewing our Q1 results, we see comparable respondent feedback to Q4 of FY 2020. While we had to adjust our service options beginning in mid March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to report slight increases in Q1 respondent satisfaction scores compared to Q4 for questions focused on ease, simplicity, and speed. Nearly 86.5% of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “I am satisfied with the service I received…” Approximately 83.6% of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement, “My need was addressed.” Our overall Customer Satisfaction score remains above 80 - the ForeSee threshold of excellence.

Service details
Service provided: Online Services
Transaction point: ForeSee Survey
Channel: computer
People served: 55730885
Surveys offered: 11104352
Responses: 107890