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Service provider


Serving the nation’s 31.7 million small business, in 2020, the Small Business Administration distributed more than $29 billion in loans and investments to small businesses, provided business coaching to nearly 750,000 entrepreneurs, distributed more than $195 billion in disaster loans, and assisted with 275 active disaster assistance declarations.

Designated Services


Accessing information, resources and capital to start a new business


Many prospective small businesses owners/entrepreneurs come to SBA for assistance as they contemplate starting a new business. Often an individual or group identifies a market need/gap and develops a solution they believe forms the basis of a business model. Other prospective business owners may also identify a franchise or existing business they’re interested in purchasing.

Independent of the new business owner’s circumstances, many seek SBA’s assistance as they develop their plan of action. New business owners need help determining the appropriate business structure for their venture, how to develop a business plan, and identifying/accessing sources of funds to support the creation of their business. Through in-person, online, or phone interactions, customers engage with SBA employees, SBA.gov or SBA’s partner network to get the help they need to move forward.

Why this service was designated

Each year, nearly 1 million small businesses begin their entrepreneurial journey. Starting a business can be a complex process. Business owners must navigate many decisions before opening their doors, to include administrative items (securing appropriate operating licenses), operational components (developing product delivery strategy, evaluating facility needs) to market analysis principles (defining target customers, performing market analyses). Most new business owners must learn as they go, so the ability to use their time effectively is of utmost importance.

SBA supports streamlining the startup process by supplying curated information, tools, and access to resources to align with the needs of the entrepreneur at the time when they need it. The objective is to help businesses accelerate their startup timeline and improve their probability of success in the near and long term.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

SBA OFO learned that our efforts to increase the number of customers who take our CX survey appears to have had the desired impact. Our number of respondents are up; this will improve our data and gives us a better pulse on the experience of our customers.

Service details
Service provided: Counseling or training via webinar, in person, phone or email.
Transaction point: The survey is provided following the service.
Channel: email
People served: 241251
Surveys offered: 241251
Responses: 604

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

We have made a reinvigorated effort to increase the turn rate of those given the opportunity to take the survey to those who actually submit a survey. Hopefully traction will increase in Q2. We need to dive deeper into customer’s journeys to discern at what point they are basing their survey on.

Service details
Service provided: Counseling or training via webinar, in person, phone or email.
Transaction point: The survey is provided following the service.
Channel: email
People served: 289751
Surveys offered: 289751
Responses: 294

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The turn rate for the surveys continues to be very low. We continue to try to find a strategy that will positively impact the number of customers who take the survey. We recognize that the way our services are delivered has changed for many.

Service details
Service provided: Counseling or training via webinar, in person, phone or email.
Transaction point: The survey is provided at the end of the service.
Channel: mixed
People served: 241082
Surveys offered: 241082
Responses: 93

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Our survey responses remain low. Our efforts to strategically reinvigorate must be examined and redeployed.

Service details
Service provided: Counseling or training via webinar, in person, phone or email.
Transaction point: The survey is provided at the end of the service.
Channel: mixed
People served: 215486
Surveys offered: 215486
Responses: 77

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Getting increased numbers of customers to take the survey continues to be especially challenging in the virtual environment.

Service details
Service provided: Field Operations
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon final approval of new site or reapproval of existing site.
Channel: computer
People served: 215380
Surveys offered: 215380
Responses: 127

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: Field Operations
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon final approval of new site or reapproval of existing site.
Channel: email
People served: 339403
Surveys offered: 339403
Responses: 34

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: Field Operations
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon final approval of new site or reapproval of existing site.
Channel: email
People served: 358751
Surveys offered: 358751
Responses: 142

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: Field Operations
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon final approval of new site or reapproval of existing site.
Channel: email
People served: 532458
Surveys offered: 532458
Responses: 203

Q1 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Service details
Service provided: Field Operations
Transaction point: Follow-up Survey upon final approval of new site or reapproval of existing site.
Channel: email
People served: 236258
Surveys offered: 236258
Responses: 204


Accessing information, resources, and capital to grow an existing business


Operating small businesses owners come to SBA for help to grow their businesses. SBA customers represent a broad range of industries and business operating structures, including sole proprietors and independent contractors. These businesses have typically identified an opportunity to grow/expand their business. Whether they need additional capital to expand lines of service or information on how to sell their products to the government, operating businesses engage SBA for access to the resources that will facilitate the desired business objective.

Customers visit SBA.gov or their local district office for information on the types of assistance available to support their growth aspirations. SBA can support these customers through a tailored approach which often includes an assessment of the business’s need and identification of the appropriate sources of information, resources, and programs.

Why this service was designated

SBA is focusing on streamlining, customizing and delivering information and resources that facilitate small business growth. The objective is to help businesses accelerate their growth timeline and improve their probability of success over the near and long term. Small business success is vital: As the backbone of the American economy, small businesses employ 61.2 million workers and create 64.9% of net new jobs created. Small firms also generate 44 percent of U.S. economic activity.