
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

Click on the High Impact Service Provider below to learn more about the actions they’re taking to improve customer experience and performance of designated services.

Service provider


Every day, USAJobs hosts over 900 jobs and manages 6 million profiles. The platform has over 200 million site visits a year.

Designated Services


Applying to Federal job opportunities


U.S. citizens seeking a Federal employment opportunity include students graduating, military service members separating from active duty, and current Federal employees looking for a promotion or lateral position. USAJOBS offers a single place for job seekers to find Federal job opportunities and the ability to reuse application materials when applying to multiple opportunities.

Why this service was designated

Over 20 million applications are submitted for approximately 350,000 job announcements from across the Federal government per year. USAJOBS connects agencies with a diverse candidate pool with a wide range of skills and abilities.

Quarterly data reported

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q1 FY 2023, the overall satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications increased slightly compared to Q4 FY 2022 results. Continuing a trend of slight increases beginning in Q2 FY 2022, the overall satisfaction score for USAJOBS Desktop increased from 3.89 to 3.95, while the overall satisfaction score for USAJOBS Mobile rose from 4.25 to 4.27 from Q4 FY 2022 to Q1 FY 2023.

The scores for the drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also increased slightly from Q4 FY 2022 to Q1 FY 2023. Individual scores for these questions, as well as the confidence/trust question, increased by an average of 0.05 for the desktop survey and 0.04 for the mobile survey. While further research is needed, these positive trends may be the result of changes made by OPM to the site in responses to data collected from customer experiences.

In Q1 FY 2023, six of the seven scores collected in the USAJOBS Help Desk Feedback survey increased compared to Q4 FY 2022, and the overall satisfaction score rose by 0.17 points (2.85 to 3.02). The one exception was transparency, which decreased slightly from 3.35 to 3.31, though this was still the highest scoring question on the survey. Continuing a trend set in past quarters, individual responses for each question tended to be very positive or very negative, with fewer middle-range responses. This division in responses is likely caused by respondents contacting the help desk when they encounter a problem and then responding to the survey only after the help desk either resolves or cannot resolve their issue. As this is the second quarter that data has been collected for this survey, OPM requires additional data to determine whether this quarter’s increases represent a broader trend of improvement. To improve customer satisfaction, the USAJOBS help desk staff is collecting responses in real time and contacting submitters who were not satisfied to drive improvements to satisfaction.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Desktop
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 13446777
Surveys offered: 9044
Responses: 2769
Service provided: USAJOBS Mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 10812556
Surveys offered: 12809
Responses: 4691

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q4 of FY 2022, the overall satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications stayed consistent with the scores in Q3 of FY 2022 as well as those of FY 2021. For the desktop survey, the overall satisfaction score rose from 3.88 to 3.89 from Q3 to Q4. For the mobile application, the score rose from 4.23 to 4.25 from Q3 to Q4. Changes to scores were minimal.

The scores for the drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also stayed within a consistent range from Q3 to Q4 of FY 2022. Individual scores for these questions, as well as the confidence/trust question, mostly showed no change or small increases from FY 2022 Q3 to Q4. All score changes were minimal (less than 0.05).

As the USAJOBS Help Desk Feedback survey was deployed for the first time this quarter, there is no past performance for which to compare scores. In Q4, average scores varied from 2.69 (effectiveness) to 3.35 (transparency). Generally, individual responses for each question tended to be very positive or very negative, with fewer middle-range responses. This may be caused by the fact that respondents tend to contact the help desk when they encounter a problem and will then respond to the survey after the help desk either resolves or cannot resolve their issue. The USAJOBS help desk staff have been collecting responses in real time and contacting submitters who were not satisfied, which may positively impact scores in the future.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Desktop
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 11898656
Surveys offered: 9862
Responses: 3057
Service provided: USAJOBS Mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 11458071
Surveys offered: 8425
Responses: 4382

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q3 of FY 2022, the overall satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications stayed fairly consistent with the scores in Q2 of FY 2022 as well as those of FY 2021. For the desktop survey, overall satisfaction scores rose from 3.85 to 3.88 from Q2 to Q3. For the mobile application, the score for both Q2 and Q3 was 4.23. Changes to scores were minimal or nonexistent.

The scores for the drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also stayed within a consistent range from Q2 to Q3 of FY 2022. Individual scores for these questions, as well as the confidence/trust question, mostly showed no change or small increases from FY 2022 Q2 to Q3. All score changes were minimal (less than 0.05).

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Desktop
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 10557475
Surveys offered: 8869
Responses: 2865
Service provided: USAJOBS Mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 10572445
Surveys offered: 11988
Responses: 4708

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Overall satisfaction: In Q2 of FY 2022 the satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications stayed fairly consistent with that of Q1 of FY 2022 as well as those of FY 2021. For the desktop survey, overall satisfaction scores dropped from 3.9 to 3.85 from Q1 to Q2. For the mobile, however, it rose from 4.17 (Q1) to 4.23 (Q2). In both cases, the changes of .05 points were minimal.

The drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also stayed within a consistent range from Q1 to Q2 of FY 2022. In all cases for these questions, as well as the Confidence/Trust question, scores rose slightly for the mobile survey and dropped slightly for the desktop survey from FY 2022 Q1 to Q2. All score changes were minimal.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Desktop
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 10891814
Surveys offered: 5250
Responses: 1781
Service provided: USAJOBS Mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 10399652
Surveys offered: 4643
Responses: 2578

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Overall satisfaction: In Q1 of FY 2022 the satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications stayed fairly consistent with all quarters of FY 2021. For the desktop application, overall satisfaction scores were at 3.9, which was higher than any quarter of FY 2021. In FY 2021, desktop satisfaction ranged from 3.82 (Q2) to 3.89 (Q3). However, for the mobile application, overall satisfaction scores were at 4.17, which was lower than any quarter of FY 2021. In FY 2021, mobile satisfaction ranged from 4.18 (Q3) to 4.23 (Q1).

Desktop: The drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) were fairly consistent from FY 2021 Q4 to FY 2022 Q1, with all questions exhibiting a slight positive trend. The efficiency question (it took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do) showed the greatest increase in this timeframe (3.73 to 3.86).

Mobile: The drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) were also fairly consistent quarter to quarter, with the responses to most questions exhibiting a slight negative trend from FY 2021 Q4 to FY 2022 Q1. The greatest decreases were in response to the effectiveness question (my need was addressed) (4.11 to 4.07) and the efficiency question (it took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do) (4.07 to 4.03).

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS desktop
Transaction point: Visit three or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 9715246
Surveys offered: 2982
Responses: 931
Service provided: USAJOBS mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website.
Channel: mobile
People served: 9360506
Surveys offered: 4961
Responses: 2456

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Overall satisfaction: In FY 2021, for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications, scores stayed fairly consistent. For the desktop application, overall satisfaction ranged from 3.82 to 3.89, while for the mobile application, satisfaction ranged from 4.18 to 4.23.

Desktop: The drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness), were fairly consistent quarter to quarter, with the responses to most questions exhibiting a slight positive trend. The effectiveness question (my need was addressed) showed the greatest increase from Q1 to Q4 (3.61 to 3.73) followed by the transparency question (I was easily able to access the website on my devise) (4.06 to 4.17).

Mobile: The drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) were also fairly consistent quarter to quarter, with the responses to most questions exhibiting a slight negative trend in Q2 and Q3, but increasing again in Q4. Responses to the efficiency question (it took a reasonable time to do what I needed to do) showed the greatest change in scores between the four quarters (4.21, 4.03, 4.03, and 4.07 respectively).

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS desktop
Transaction point: Visit three or more pages on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 11287043
Surveys offered: 4791
Responses: 1638
Service provided: USAJOBS mobile
Transaction point: Visit 3 or more pages on the website.
Channel: mobile
People served: 11173475
Surveys offered: 7910
Responses: 4196

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The desktop survey scores generally increased across all CX measures from Q1 to Q3 in 2021. The two exceptions were a .05 point drop for the satisfaction question, and no change for the trust/confidence question from Q1 to Q2. The satisfaction and trust/confidence scores were highest in Q3 when compared to both Q1 and Q2.

USAJOBS released the job status feature in Q2, and its initial release may have contributed to the Q2 drop in the satisfaction question score. The score leveled off in Q3 which is a potentially good indicator that users are becoming more comfortable with the new feature.

In Q2, USAJOBS also updated the desktop survey code to fix errors that occurred when the survey was presented to users. This led to the survey response count almost doubling between Q1 and Q2 and more than doubling from Q2 to Q3.

The mobile survey scores stayed consistent for the ease and efficiency questions, and had slight drops in the scores for all other questions from Q2 to Q3. These changes were relatively small, with the effectiveness question having the largest drop at .05 points. All scores have remained above 4 points, with the mobile survey generally scoring higher than the desktop survey across all CX measures.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Job Seeker Portal
Transaction point: Visit three or more screens on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 11747767
Surveys offered: 5586
Responses: 1872
Service provided: USAJOBS Job Seeker Portal (mobile)
Transaction point: Visit three or more screens on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 10547267
Surveys offered: 9042
Responses: 4428

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

USAJOBS Desktop (Summary FY 2021 Q2)

When comparing the scores to Q1 2021 specifically, the only loss was a 1 percentage point drop in the satisfaction question (69 to 68 percent). The Confidence, Efficiency, and Employee questions had no change (61, 62, and 66 percent). The Ease, Transparency, and Effectiveness questions increased by 1, 2, and 3 percentage points respectively (63 to 64, 76 to 78, and 61 to 64 percent).

Comparing the scores to the same quarter of the previous year (Q2 of 2020), both the Confidence and Employee questions dropped by 1 percentage point (62 to 61, and 67 to 66 percent). The Satisfaction, Ease, and Efficiency questions had no change (68, 64, and 62 percent). The Effectiveness and Transparency questions rose by 2 and 3 percentage points respectively (62 to 64 and 75 to 78 percent).

Of the seven questions, the Confidence, Effectiveness, and Efficiency questions generally score the lowest. This may indicate that the time it takes to complete tasks and User’s ability to complete said tasks may negatively effect their confidence in the site. The Transparency question consistently scores the highest for both the desktop and mobile surveys, which suggests that there are few issues accessing the site from various devices.

USAJOBS Mobile (Summary FY 2021 Q2)

Comparing the scores to Q1 of 2021, the Ease question had the largest drop of 3 percentage points (77 to 74 percent). The Satisfaction, Efficiency, Transparency, and Employee questions all had a 2 percentage point decrease (81 to 79, 74 to 72, 87 to 85, and 79 to 77 percent). There was no change in the Confidence question score (75 percent), and an increase of 1 percentage point in the Effectiveness question score (75 to 76 percent).

Comparing the scores to the same quarter of the previous year (Q2 of 2020), both the Ease and Employee questions dropped by 3 percentage points (77 to 74 and 80 to 77 percent). The Satisfaction question score dropped by 2 percentage points (81 to 79 percent), and the Confidence ad Efficiency questions both dropped by 1 percentage point (76 to 75 and 73 to 72 percent). There was no change in the Effectiveness and Transparency question scores (76 and 85 percent).

The Efficiency question consistently scores the lowest in this survey. This suggests the amount of time to complete tasks may be an area of potential improvement for the site as a whole. Like the desktop survey, the Transparency question consistently scores highest for this survey.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Job Seeker Portal
Transaction point: Visit three or more screens on the website
Channel: computer
People served: 13854596
Surveys offered: 2084
Responses: 789
Service provided: USAJOBS Job Seeker Portal (mobile)
Transaction point: Visit three or more screens on the website
Channel: mobile
People served: 10942332
Surveys offered: 10451
Responses: 5975


Seeking assistance with the Federal job application process from the USAJOBS help desk


Job seekers sometimes need assistance logging into the USAJOBS website or resolving issues with their account. They also ask questions about the job announcement requirements or updates on the status of submitted applications. Agency specific or job-related inquiries are redirected to the appropriate agency’s help desk or the agency point of contact listed on the job announcement.

Why this service was designated

The USAJOBS website is the starting point for many job seekers looking for employment with the Federal Government. The help desk provides an important service for the job seeker and the agencies using the site to post their job announcements. In FY 2021, the help desk received approximately 70,000 help tickets.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q2 FY 2023, all seven scores collected in the USAJOBS Help Desk Feedback survey decreased compared to Q1 FY 2023, with all but overall satisfaction falling below the Q4 FY 2022 results. Compared to Q1 FY 2023, scores declined between 0.04 points for transparency (3.31 to 3.27) to 0.17 points for trust or confidence (3.03 to 2.86). Overall satisfaction fell .11 points to 2.91.

Continuing a trend set in past quarters, individual responses for each question tended to be very positive or very negative, with fewer middle-range responses. This division in responses is likely caused by respondents contacting the help desk when they encounter a problem and then responding to the survey only after the help desk either resolves or cannot resolve their issue.

To improve customer satisfaction, the USAJOBS help desk staff collects responses in real time and contacts submitters who were not satisfied. Currently, it is unclear whether satisfaction is trending positively or negatively. After three quarters of data collection, average results generally seem to be fairly steady around a neutral response, with variations in either direction from quarter to quarter.

OPM is unable to provide complete Q2 FY 2023 survey results for either the USAJOBS Desktop or USAJOBS Mobile surveys. During Q2 FY 2023, OPM’s survey provider migrated from a legacy to a FedRAMP platform in the middle of the reporting period. Due to this migration, there are sizable gaps in the data collected. OPM has worked with the vendor to address the issues encountered during migration, and expects to be able to report complete and accurate results in Q3 FY 2023.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Help Desk
Transaction point: After ticket is closed
Channel: computer
People served: 18720
Surveys offered: 18720
Responses: 367

Q1 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q1 FY 2023, the overall satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications increased slightly compared to Q4 FY 2022 results. Continuing a trend of slight increases beginning in Q2 FY 2022, the overall satisfaction score for USAJOBS Desktop increased from 3.89 to 3.95, while the overall satisfaction score for USAJOBS Mobile rose from 4.25 to 4.27 from Q4 FY 2022 to Q1 FY 2023.

The scores for the drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also increased slightly from Q4 FY 2022 to Q1 FY 2023. Individual scores for these questions, as well as the confidence/trust question, increased by an average of 0.05 for the desktop survey and 0.04 for the mobile survey. While further research is needed, these positive trends may be the result of changes made by OPM to the site in responses to data collected from customer experiences.

In Q1 FY 2023, six of the seven scores collected in the USAJOBS Help Desk Feedback survey increased compared to Q4 FY 2022, and the overall satisfaction score rose by 0.17 points (2.85 to 3.02). The one exception was transparency, which decreased slightly from 3.35 to 3.31, though this was still the highest scoring question on the survey. Continuing a trend set in past quarters, individual responses for each question tended to be very positive or very negative, with fewer middle-range responses. This division in responses is likely caused by respondents contacting the help desk when they encounter a problem and then responding to the survey only after the help desk either resolves or cannot resolve their issue. As this is the second quarter that data has been collected for this survey, OPM requires additional data to determine whether this quarter’s increases represent a broader trend of improvement. To improve customer satisfaction, the USAJOBS help desk staff is collecting responses in real time and contacting submitters who were not satisfied to drive improvements to satisfaction.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Help Desk
Transaction point: After ticket is closed
Channel: computer
People served: 17157
Surveys offered: 17157
Responses: 383

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

In Q4 of FY 2022, the overall satisfaction scores for both the USAJOBS desktop and mobile applications stayed consistent with the scores in Q3 of FY 2022 as well as those of FY 2021. For the desktop survey, the overall satisfaction score rose from 3.88 to 3.89 from Q3 to Q4. For the mobile application, the score rose from 4.23 to 4.25 from Q3 to Q4. Changes to scores were minimal.

The scores for the drivers of satisfaction (effectiveness, ease, efficiency, transparency, and website helpfulness) in both the desktop and mobile surveys also stayed within a consistent range from Q3 to Q4 of FY 2022. Individual scores for these questions, as well as the confidence/trust question, mostly showed no change or small increases from FY 2022 Q3 to Q4. All score changes were minimal (less than 0.05).

As the USAJOBS Help Desk Feedback survey was deployed for the first time this quarter, there is no past performance for which to compare scores. In Q4, average scores varied from 2.69 (effectiveness) to 3.35 (transparency). Generally, individual responses for each question tended to be very positive or very negative, with fewer middle-range responses. This may be caused by the fact that respondents tend to contact the help desk when they encounter a problem and will then respond to the survey after the help desk either resolves or cannot resolve their issue. The USAJOBS help desk staff have been collecting responses in real time and contacting submitters who were not satisfied, which may positively impact scores in the future.

Service details
Service provided: USAJOBS Help Desk
Transaction point: After ticket is closed
Channel: computer
People served: 22800
Surveys offered: 22800
Responses: 468

Service provider


Provides benefits for more than 2.7 million annuitants, survivors, and family members.

Designated Services

Previously-reported Services


Applying for Federal civilian retirement


OPM Retirement Services works in conjunction with Federal agency human resource and payroll offices to help prospective retirees learn about, plan, and apply for retirement. If a prospective retiree meets the eligibility requirements to receive an annuity payment under the Civil Service Retirement System or Federal Employees Retirement System, OPM will process and adjudicate their retirement application and deliver the annuity payments.

Why this service was designated

OPM Retirement Services administers the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) to honor those who have dedicated some or all of their careers to public service. Each year, OPM receives and adjudicates on average 100,000 retirement applications. Many Federal employees, retirees, and their families rely on the annuities for financial security in their retirement.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Managing a Federal annuitant retirement account (Services Online): Between Q1 and Q2 FY 2023, Services Online results decreased: satisfaction (3.81 to 3.59), trust (3.78 to 3.57), effectiveness (3.85 to 3.63), ease (3.58 to 3.34), efficiency (3.62 to 3.43), transparency (3.88 to 3.77), and employee helpfulness (3.73 to 3.52). Some new annuitants have found it difficult to navigate a process related to new requirements for Federal withholding. OPM has updated the related messaging on the Services Online site with the intention of improving future quarter results.

Applying for Federal civilian retirement: In December 2022, OPM launched a new survey to obtain feedback on the customer’s experience applying for and receiving retirement benefits. OPM sent the Q2 FY 2023 survey to new annuitants who completed the retirement application process and received their full annuity payment in December 2022, January 2023, or February 2023. The results between Q1 and Q2 FY 2023 stayed fairly consistent: satisfaction (3.35 in Q1 to 3.36 in Q2), trust (3.57 to 3.56), effectiveness (3.24 to 3.26), ease (3.47 to 3.53), efficiency (3.1 to 3.16), transparency (3.59 to 3.62), and employee helpfulness (3.65 to 3.64).

Service details
Service provided: Process and adjudicate retirement applications and deliver annuity payments.
Transaction point: After annuitant receives first full annuity payment.
Channel: paper
People served: 29575
Surveys offered: 27184
Responses: 3389


Managing a Federal annuitant retirement account


OPM Retirement Services is responsible for helping nearly 3 million annuitants manage and make changes to their retirement accounts after they retire. OPM Retirement Services selected Services Online, a self-service portal where annuitants can manage and make changes to their retirement accounts, because of the volume of account changes made via this digital channel each year. Federal retirees use this service to view annuity payment statements, annual notices, life insurance selections, and 1099R tax documents. In addition, retirees can change their contact data, tax withholdings, direct deposits, financial allotments, and request ID replacement cards or retirement booklets.

Why this service was designated

In FY 2021, Services Online had over three million user logins and seven million account changes to home address, phone, email; Federal/state tax changes; direct deposits, and financial allotments. The service is available 24x7, reducing the need for customers to call or email Retirement Services for basic account management requests.

Quarterly data reported

Q2 2023

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Managing a Federal annuitant retirement account (Services Online): Between Q1 and Q2 FY 2023, Services Online results decreased: satisfaction (3.81 to 3.59), trust (3.78 to 3.57), effectiveness (3.85 to 3.63), ease (3.58 to 3.34), efficiency (3.62 to 3.43), transparency (3.88 to 3.77), and employee helpfulness (3.73 to 3.52). Some new annuitants have found it difficult to navigate a process related to new requirements for Federal withholding. OPM has updated the related messaging on the Services Online site with the intention of improving future quarter results.

Applying for Federal civilian retirement: In December 2022, OPM launched a new survey to obtain feedback on the customer’s experience applying for and receiving retirement benefits. OPM sent the Q2 FY 2023 survey to new annuitants who completed the retirement application process and received their full annuity payment in December 2022, January 2023, or February 2023. The results between Q1 and Q2 FY 2023 stayed fairly consistent: satisfaction (3.35 in Q1 to 3.36 in Q2), trust (3.57 to 3.56), effectiveness (3.24 to 3.26), ease (3.47 to 3.53), efficiency (3.1 to 3.16), transparency (3.59 to 3.62), and employee helpfulness (3.65 to 3.64).

Service details
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: Log Out
Channel: computer
People served: 1976769
Surveys offered: 1356610
Responses: 46868

Q4 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

The number of survey responses for OPM’s Services Online increased by 5 percent in FY 2022 Q4 (25,592) as compared to Q3 (24,311). This increase is primarily due to two email notifications distributed to the users on July 1, 2022, and September 16, 2022, reminding them to set up their Login.gov account for Services Online. Survey data indicates that 38.1 percent of site visitors identified setting up access to Login.gov as the primary reason for visiting the site. Between Q3 and Q4, all seven scores decreased, on average, by .17: satisfaction (3.95 to 3.78), trust (3.89 to 3.73), effectiveness (3.97 to 3.85), ease (3.64 to 3.52), efficiency (3.79 to 3.57), equity (4.02 to 3.83) and website helpfulness (3.87 to 3.69). As reported in Q3, OPM Retirement Services (RS) attributes this decrease to a technical change made to how users access Services Online. In FY 2022 Q3, RS added multi-factor authentication via GSA’s Login.gov to the account login process. Given that the decrease in Q4 scores (.17) was very small as compared to Q3 (.45), RS anticipates that users are becoming more familiar with the new login process and that scores will begin to improve in FY 2023 Q1 as the change will have been in place for over six months. RS has also identified several opportunities to improve user instructions and plans to implement these changes in early FY 2023 Q1.

Service details
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: Log Out
Channel: computer
People served: 919095
Surveys offered: 669627
Responses: 25592

Q3 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Services Online The number of survey responses for OPM’s Services Online decreased by 40.43 percent in FY 2022 Q3 as compared to Q2. This decrease is primarily due to a reduced need for customers to access the site for tax information.
Between Q2 and Q3, all seven scores decreased, on average, by 0.45: satisfaction (4.36 to 3.95), trust (4.28 to 3.89), effectiveness (4.34 to 3.97), ease (4.28 to 3.64), efficiency (4.26 to 3.79), equity (4.45 to 4.02) and website helpfulness (4.3 to 3.87). OPM attributes these decreases to a significant technical change made to how users access Services Online. In FY 2022 Q3, RS added multi-factor authentication via GSA’s Login.gov to the account login process. This change requires that the customer establish a Login.gov account and link it to their Services Online account. Once the accounts are linked, customers benefit from improved online account security; the ability to use an email address for the login name, instead of a claim number; and streamlined online password reset.

Service details
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: Log Out
Channel: computer
People served: 961697
Surveys offered: 802527
Responses: 24311

Q2 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Services Online

The number of responses for OPM’s Services Online survey increased 46.5 percent from FY 2022 Q1 (27,858) to FY 2022 Q2 (40,813). Q2 typically reflects the highest site activity for the fiscal year due to the availability of the Annual Annuity Notice and 1099R tax forms on the site.

From Q1 to Q2, results for all seven measures slightly decreased: satisfaction (4.44 to 4.36), trust (4.35 to 4.28), effectiveness (4.45 to 4.34), ease (4.4 to 4.28), efficiency (4.36 to 4.26), transparency (4.5 to 4.45) and website helpfulness (4.4 to 4.3). Responses to the open-ended question “How can we improve our site?” did not reveal one issue that stands out for the decrease, but rather several themes related to printing, password resets, and call center hold times.

During Q2, 34 percent of respondents indicated that they came to the site to view their Annuity statement, 23 percent to view/print their 1099R, and 9 percent to change Federal/state tax.

Service details
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: Log Out
Channel: computer
People served: 1751573
Surveys offered: 1450665
Responses: 40813

Previously-reported Services

Prior to the first service designation exercise in 2022, HISPs were collecting data using methods unique to each agency, resulting in data that was not standardized. This previously-reported data was collected to increase visibility and awareness regarding customer experience through feedback data. Per A-11 guidance, service providers will collect feedback in a more standardized way.

Service   Previously-reported

Applying for retirement benefits


Surveys are sent to those who are filing retirement claims and other customer services transactions via email, phone and website.

Quarterly data reported

Q1 2022

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Customer Satisfaction Survey Between FY 2021 Q4 and FY 2022 Q1, results for all measures increased: satisfaction (3.75 to 3.9), trust (3.58 to 3.72), effectiveness (3.77 to 3.9), ease (3.64 to 3.78), efficiency (3.47 to 3.63), transparency (3.92 to 4.02), and employee helpfulness (3.78 to 3.86).

Retirement Services has a new cloud-based contact center. The new cloud-based contact center, coupled with the hiring and training of new staff, may have contributed to the increase in scores.

Services Online The number of responses for OPM’s Services Online survey increased by 97.6 percent in FY 2022 Q1 as compared to FY 2021 Q4 (14,101 to 27,858). Site activity was high due to increases in life insurance premiums and cost of living increases that are reflected in the customer’s monthly annuity statement and annual notice.

Between Q4 and Q1, six of the measure results increased: satisfaction (4.37 to 4.44), trust (4.24 to 4.35), effectiveness (4.32 to 4.45), ease (4.29 to 4.4), efficiency (4.22 to 4.36), and website helpfulness (4.33 to 4.4). The results for the transparency question decreased (4.56 to 4.5).

During this quarter, 45 percent of respondents indicated that they use the site every six months or less and 33 percent indicated that they use the site every few months. The primary reason for visiting the site was to view the annuity statement (54.3 percent).

Service details
Service provided: Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (Services Online, phone, email)
Transaction point: At the end of the quarter the survey is emailed to everyone in the Retirement Services email database who had specific customer service transactions with Retirement Services during the quarter
Channel: computer
People served: 2500000
Surveys offered: 112888
Responses: 14602
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: After logging out of SOL
Channel: computer
People served: 1059781
Surveys offered: 30377
Responses: 27858

Q4 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Services Online Services Online continued to experience lower account activity in Q4 as compared to all other quarters due to a decrease in demand to view transactions such as cost of living adjustments (COLA) or Federal tax information. OPM anticipates that site activity will increase in FY 22 Q1/Q2 as COLA, Federal tax information, and Federal health benefit changes take place and annuitants go to the site to view/print their 1099R, Annual Notice of Adjustment, and monthly annuity statements. In Q4, all factors remained relatively consistent across each of the CX measures: satisfaction remained the same at 4.37, trust and transparency increased by .01 (to 4.24 and 4.56 respectively), effectiveness, ease, and employee decreased by .01 (4.32, 4.29, and 4.33), and efficiency remained unchanged (4.22). Users continued to express frustration with the frequency of required password resets, as well delays in OPM processing of final annuity payments.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Between Q3 and Q4, results for all measures decreased: satisfaction (3.83 to 3.75), trust (3.67 to 3.58), effectiveness (3.86 to 3.77), ease (3.71 to 3.64), efficiency (3.56 to 3.47), transparency (4.00 to 3.92), and employee helpfulness (3.84 to 3.78).

Lingering technical issues, staffing challenges in the call center, and production delays associated with a manual process, compounded with the COVID-19 pandemic, may have contributed to the decline in scores. Retirement Services’ Call Center has a new cloud based contact center and the program will be working to address all these issues.

Service details
Service provided: Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (Services Online, phone, email)
Transaction point: At the end of the quarter the survey is emailed to everyone in the Retirement Services email database who had specific customer service transactions with Retirement Services during the quarter
Channel: computer
People served: 2500000
Surveys offered: 68434
Responses: 7682
Service provided: Services Online
Transaction point: After logging out of SOL
Channel: computer
People served: 595840
Surveys offered: 529869
Responses: 14101

Q3 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Services Online Services Online typically experiences less account activity in Q3 as compared to Q1 or Q2. Site usage and account changes by annuitants are consistently lower in Q3, which is largely attributed to the decrease in demand to view transactions such as cost of living adjustments (COLA) or need for Federal tax information during this time (April – June).

In Q3, we saw a slight decrease (between .07 and .13 points) across each of the CX measures: satisfaction decreased by .11, trust decreased by .13, ease and transparency decreased by .07, and efficiency, effectiveness and employee (website helpfulness) decreased between .12 and .13. Users expressed frustration with the frequency of required password resets as well delays in OPM processing of final annuity payments, which may have contributed to the decline in scores.

Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (services online, phone and email) Overall, Q3 results declined by .08 to .21 points as compared to Q2. As a result of COVID, some workload processing is taking longer than usual. Lingering technical issues and staffing challenges in the call center may also have contributed to the decline in scores. Retirement Services is working to address all these issues.

Service details
Service provided: Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (Services Online, phone, email)
Transaction point: At the end of the quarter the survey is emailed to everyone in the Retirement Services email database who had specific customer service transactions with Retirement Services during the quarter
Channel: computer
People served: 2500000
Surveys offered: 86395
Responses: 10641
Service provided: Services Online (SOL)
Transaction point: Following logon to site
Channel: computer
People served: 666742
Surveys offered: 628055
Responses: 17645

Q2 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

For Retirement Services: Overall, Q2 percent positive results were consistent with Q1, or declined by one to three percentage points. The overall drop in customer satisfaction is largely due to a series of technical issues with the call center. Customers experienced difficulty accessing representatives to assist and/or respond to inquiries timely. OPM Retirement Services also learned of a number of backlog cases from the NFC that was not received timely. During the quarter, both events contributed to our inability to meet customer expectations.

Retirement Services (Services Online): Overall, Services Online visitors continue to remain satisfied with the web site experience year over year. In addition, Q2 represents a 64 percent increase in survey submissions over Q1 due to availability of tax information (1099R) on the site in January. The percent positive responses for the seven Government-wide questions remained consistent with Q1, and over the past five quarters generally do not change more than two percentage points. The percent positive for Q1 and Q2 are as follows:

  1. Satisfaction: 89 (Q1) to 88 percent (Q2)
  2. Confidence: 84 to 83 percent
  3. Need was addressed: 88 to 87 percent
  4. Reasonable amount of time: 83 percent (no change from Q1)
  5. Access on device: 92 percent (no change from Q1)
  6. Website was helpful: 88 to 86 percent

Likelihood to return to the site (95) and recommend the site (89) remain high quarter over quarter.

Service details
Service provided: Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (Services Online, phone, email)
Transaction point: Email survey to customers who had specific customer service transactions each quarter.
Channel: computer
People served:
Surveys offered: 90080
Responses: 13002
Service provided: Services Online (SOL)
Transaction point: Following logon to site
Channel: computer
People served: 1493089
Surveys offered: 1175824
Responses: 40868

Q1 2021

What we learned from this quarter's data:

Satisfaction with Services OnLine remains high and mainly unchanged from last quarter with 89 percent rating agree/strongly agree in Q1. Across the board there were slight improvements: Effectiveness improved by two percentage points from 86 to 88 percent. Employee (website) helpfulness improved by one percentage point to 88 percent. Equity (ability to access website on device) remained at 92 percent from last quarter. Efficiency, ease, and confidence in Services OnLine all improved by one percentage point (83, 86, and 84 percent respectively).

Service details
Service provided: Retirement claims processing and customer service transactions (Services Online, phone, email)
Transaction point: At the end of the quarter the survey is emailed to everyone in the Retirement Services email database who had specific customer service transactions with Retirement Services during the quarter
Channel: computer
People served: 77519
Surveys offered: 77519
Responses: 8595
Service provided: Services Online (SOL)
Transaction point: Following logon to site
Channel: computer
People served: 945076
Surveys offered: 832711
Responses: 25987