Maintaining High-Performing Core Assets
Shanetta Griffin
Associate Administrator for Airports
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (DOT)
Shailen Bhatt
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (DOT)
Winsome A. Lenfert
Deputy Associate Administrator for Airports
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (DOT)
Improve the condition/performance of Federally funded portions of the Nation’s transportation systems. By September 30, 2023, the percentage of Interstate Pavement in either good or fair condition will be maintained at 95%; the percentage of deck area on National Highway System (NHS) bridges in either good or fair condition will be maintained at, or above 95%; the percentage of person-miles traveled on the interstate that are reliable will be at or above 82.8%; and the percentage of paved runways in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems in excellent, good, or fair condition will be maintained at 93%.