
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

Delivering Excellent, Equitable, and Secure Federal Services and Customer Experience


Priority Area Leaders

Robin Carnahan


AgencyGeneral Services Administration


AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture


AgencyU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Summary of Progress

  • May 2023

    The Customer Experience Priority Area has continued to deliver on its commitment to a simple, seamless, and secure customer experience across federal government services and platforms. The team has produced a new data visualization of post-transaction trust data reported by High Impact Service Providers in support of the Priority Area’s success measure. Across the five Life Experiences, project teams have provided detailed updates on their progress toward completing their goals, along with planned milestones and next steps. Additionally, leaders are taking strides towards their goal of designing and developing resources to empower agencies to deliver better federal websites and digital services, in addition to releasing new planned milestones for Strategy 3.

  • March 2023

    The Customer Experience Priority Area continued to make progress to transform federal benefits, services, and programs through improved service delivery and customer experience. Updates for individual High Impact Service Providers’ commitments to make their services more simple, seamless, and secure are now available at performance.gov/cx/executive-order. Notably, each of the five Life Experiences teams have publicly shared their discovery sprint findings, including detailed customer journey maps and stories, and have identified initial projects for implementation in 2023 to address priority pain points at performance.gov/cx/projects.

  • November 2022

    The Customer Experience Priority Area has made progress translating the President’s historic Executive Order 14058 on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government into action. In addition to individual agencies acting to improve their customer experience, the five priority Life Experiences projects announced this Spring are developing opportunity areas for agency and government-wide action based on their discovery sprints. OMB and GSA also recently announced that the Technology Modernization Fund will allocate $100 million to improve customer experiences with the federal government. Finally, the 35 federal High Impact Service Providers (HISPs) continue to make progress promoting ongoing accountability for federal service delivery. See additional details and updates on progress on the CX Blog.

  • July 2022

    The Customer Experience Priority Area has made progress in each of the three strategies aiming to collectively transform Federal benefits, services, and programs through improved service delivery and customer experience. Further, since President Biden signed Executive Order 14058, the OMB Customer Experience (CX) Team has provided quarterly updates on progress on the CX Blog.


Federal services have not always been designed with the public’s needs and priorities in mind, nor have these services always kept up with these needs. Poorly designed, out of date, and inequitable government services are a cost to our Nation; it can mean that Veterans don’t get benefits they have earned, small business owners can’t access financing to grow their businesses, new mothers and infants lack critical nutrition supports, and disaster survivors face mountains of paperwork to rebuild their homes.


The Federal Government must deliver a simple, seamless, and secure customer experience, on par with or more effective than leading consumer experiences. In all sectors, services should reduce burdens not increase them. Irrespective of people’s age, location, digital savvy, disability, education, or English proficiency, the American people deserve a government that understands who they are, what they need, and how best to deliver for them. Every interaction between the government and the public is an opportunity to deliver the services people expect and deserve. Whether during a pivotal life experience such as retiring, or a routine interaction to renew a passport, the government must build our understanding of our customers and involve them – the people we serve – to improve benefits, services, and programs and enable us to deliver for all Americans.

We can get there by using technology to power outstanding experiences; engaging with private-sector and nonprofit organizations; partnering with State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments; collaborating with other partners to reduce administrative burden of interaction with the Federal Government, simplifying both public-facing and internal processes to improve efficiency, and empowering the Federal workforce, including through various diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility initiatives, so that they can best deliver for the American people. Understanding our customers’ needs through gathering feedback, conducting research, sharing insights, and testing new approaches will ensure we are designing with our customers in mind every step of the way and enable us to deliver for all.



A curated view of progress happening across this priority area