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Office of Management and Budget Launches Biden-Harris Management Agenda Vision

“A blueprint for our Government to deliver for Americans the Government they deserve as we continue to build back better.”

Yellow tulips bloom on the North Lawn of the White House.

Yellow tulips bloom on the North Lawn of the White House.

New three-part framework sets forth ambitious roadmap for ensuring an equitable, effective, and accountable Federal Government that delivers results for all.

Release kicks off multi-stage, multi-year effort to advance the Administration’s management priorities and help our country build back better.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), with the President’s Management Council (PMC), today launched the Biden-Harris Management Agenda Vision, outlining the Administration’s roadmap for ensuring an equitable, effective, and accountable Federal Government that delivers results for all. The new framework is built around three priority areas that are critical for improving the way the Federal Government does business, restoring the American people’s trust in Government, and laying a strong foundation for working families for years to come: strengthening and empowering the Federal workforce; delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience; and managing the business of Government to build back better.

The launch of the three-part framework kicks off a multi-stage, multi-year, Administration-wide effort to advance each of these management priorities across the entire Federal Government through the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). The PMA Vision will guide the Administration’s efforts to reinforce our Government’s capacity to deliver results and help our country meet the full range of challenges and opportunities ahead of us—from powering an economic recovery, to confronting climate change, to advancing equity.

In a letter introducing the PMA Vision, President Biden called the framework “a blueprint for our Government to deliver for Americans the Government they deserve as we continue to build back better.” He noted further that, “This work can only succeed if we all come together—not only across agencies, but across States, communities, and other sectors as well. No one entity can solve the problems we face on its own, but there is nothing we can’t achieve if we unite around a common purpose.”

“To advance the President’s ambitious agenda for our country, we must strengthen our Government’s capacity to deliver for the American people,” said OMB Deputy Director for Management Jason Miller. “The Biden-Harris Management Agenda Vision marks a crucial step forward in this ambitious undertaking—laying out a clear, bold roadmap toward a more equitable, effective, and accountable Government that delivers results for all.”

Four values guide the Administration’s work to develop and implement the PMA: equity, dignity, accountability, and results. Each of the three PMA priorities will be advanced through new and expanded cross-Government efforts on specific strategies, and will build on long standing efforts to enhance Government capacity for delivering results:

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris walk together by the White House.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris talk as they walk through the Rose Garden of the White House.

Priority 1: Strengthening and empowering the Federal workforce

  • Strategy 1: Attract and hire the most qualified employees, who reflect the diversity of our country, in the right roles across the Federal Government.
  • Strategy 2: Make every Federal job a good job, where all employees are engaged, supported, heard, and empowered, with opportunities to learn, grow, join a union and have an effective voice in their workplaces through their union, and thrive throughout their careers.
  • Strategy 3: Reimagine and build a roadmap to the future of Federal work informed by lessons from the pandemic and nationwide workforce and workplace trends.
  • Strategy 4: Build the personnel system and support required to sustain the Federal Government as a model employer able to effectively deliver on a broad range of agency missions.

Priority 2: Delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience

  • Strategy 1: Improve the service design, digital products, and customer-experience management of Federal High-Impact Service Providers by reducing customer burden, addressing inequities, and streamlining processes.
  • Strategy 2: Design, build, and manage Government service delivery for key life experiences that cut across Federal agencies.
  • Strategy 3: Identify and prioritize the development of Federal shared products, services, and standards that enable simple, seamless, and secure customer experiences across High Impact Service Providers.

Priority 3: Managing the business of Government to build back better

  • Strategy 1: Foster lasting improvements in the Federal acquisition system to strengthen the U.S. domestic manufacturing base, support American workers, lead by example toward sustainable climate solutions, and create opportunities for underserved communities.
  • Strategy 2: Build capacity in Federal financial management and through Federal financial assistance to catalyze American industrial strategy, address climate-related risks, and deliver equitable results.

As part of the launch of the PMA Vision, members of the PMC—the primary Government-wide body that advises the President and OMB on management issues, chaired by the OMB Deputy Director for Management, and composed of the White House Cabinet Secretary, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the Administrator of the General Services Administration, and more than 20 agency Deputy Secretaries and Deputy Administrators—signed a letter of commitment to work to ensure the Federal Government delivers results to all Americans, noting, “ultimately it is people—our Federal employees and the people they serve—who make the work of this great nation possible. We pledge to work alongside them as our teammates on behalf of the American people to make this vision a reality.”

Next steps to advance the PMA will be announced over the coming weeks and months. OMB and the PMC will identify leaders for each priority area who will establish teams and structures to implement their respective priority areas, leveraging substantial efforts already underway. The PMA will be a dynamic effort designed to support progress and opportunities beyond the reach of any one Federal agency, given that building back better will require a whole-of-government effort and transformation in the way the Federal Government operates.

Learn More

Information about the implementation and progress of these plans will be posted here quarterly. Subscribe to our newsletter to be one of the first to hear about updates and stay tuned for more on the PMA in the new year.