We're on a mission to deliver a simple, seamless, and secure customer experience, on par with or better than leading consumer experiences
The Mandate
The framework for Federal Customer Experience (CX) efforts is established through three core mandates

Executive Order 14058 on Transforming the Customer Experience and Federal Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government
Establishes ongoing accountability for Federal service delivery through High Impact Service Providers and a focus on improving service delivery through the lens of the customer by designating cross-agency Life Experiences. Directed 17 agencies to take 36 specific actions to improve customer experience.

The President’s Management Agenda (PMA), Priority 2
Priority 2 focuses on delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience. Sets the vision that public service experience quality should be on par with leading consumer experiences. Aims to measure reduction in burden for customers and improvements in trust in government.

21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)
Directs the Federal government to improve the digital experience for government customers and reinforces existing requirements for Federal public websites. Agencies must modernize websites, digitize services and forms, accelerate use of e-signatures, and adopt shared standards and services.
The implementation of this framework is outlined in two guidance documents:

OMB Circular A-11, Part 6, Section 280: Federal Customer Experience Guidance
Provides more detailed guidance on implementing the CX EO and on CX management in the Federal context. Identifies High Impact Service Provider (HISP) entities and outlines annual requirements as part of budget, learning, and strategic planning efforts.

OMB Memorandum M-23-22: Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience
Outlines a digital framework for government, including a variety of actions and standards to help Federal agencies design, develop, and deliver modern websites and digital services.
Our work
Every touchpoint is an opportunity to build trust.
Customer experience (CX) is the public’s perceptions of and overall satisfaction with interactions with any government agency, product, or service. A customer is any individual, business, or organization (such as a grantee or State, local, or Tribal entity) that interacts with an agency or program, either directly or through a Federally-funded program.
For an individual, good CX can mean less time in a government office, on the phone with a help desk, or more digestible information to support a decision.
Collectively, throughout a lifetime of interacting with different agencies, these moments are powerful opportunities to show all Americans their government works. Improving the public’s trust in government happens transaction by transaction; by understanding our customers’ needs through gathering feedback, conducting research, sharing insights, and testing new approaches to ensure we are designing with our customers every step of the way.
What the American people should expect
of their government
Consistency across organizations
Interacting with the government and managing your benefits is consistent across Federal and even State agencies
Case status tracking
You can easily track your case status, see accurate estimates of processing times, and provide customer feedback that’s publicly shared by agencies for transparency and accountability.
Self-service channels
Government benefits and services are available to you through self-serve channels of your choice, like websites, text and chat, mobile apps, and automated phone systems.
Customer-centered design
Your voice and needs are used in policy and decision-making forums, and helps drive continuous improvement of government benefits and services.
Service when and where it is needed
You can complete most transactions on your own, but can also schedule time to chat, talk to, or visit a human if you need help.
Navigate on behalf of others
You can complete most transactions on your own, but can also schedule time to chat, talk to, or visit a human if you need help.
Responsive assistance
You don’t need to know which level or agency of government to talk to get the help you need at any moment in your life.
Secure identity verification
We can verify your identity so you can securely sign in to a website or call us to process a form, manage your benefits, or get help.
Online forms
You have the option to fill out and submit all government forms online and from your mobile device, and if you’d like, we’ll make sure you have a copy of the paper version for your records.
Always secure
All the information you provide to the government is securely stored and protected, and never sold.