Agency Priority Goals, or APGs, are an agency’s near-term, implementation-focused priorities that the heads of each major federal agency set every two years. Today, the Office of Management and Budget published the FY 2023 Q3 updates on
APGs serve as strategic stepping stones toward the achievement of broader, long-term objectives in an agency’s strategic plan. This approach provides agencies with a tool to manage towards and report against tangible, measurable milestones. Today’s quarterly updates span priority goals across the federal government. These updates inform the public about the progress being made in major federal agencies and highlight significant milestones or barriers along the way. The two-year (FY 2022–23) performance period will end on September 30, 2023, with final reporting from this APG cycle available in January 2024.
Visit to search through more federal agencies’ two-year priority goals and four-year strategic objectives. Find a specific strategic priority such as climate change or cybersecurity using the Strategic Goal Dashboard, where you can easily sort APGs and strategic objectives by agency, focus area, and more.
Learn More
Reporting of APGs plays a vital role in fostering transparency and accountability within government agencies. By embracing progress reporting, agencies can enhance their impact, deliver on strategic objectives, and ultimately serve the needs and livelihoods of the public they represent. Read more about APGs on our blog What Are APGs? Understanding Agency Priority Goals.
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We will continue to update quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.
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