Department of the Interior
This agency's goals, progress, and results
Read the key documents that describe what this agency wants to achieve, its performance to date, and what it plans to learn through research and evaluation
Strategic plan Performance plan & report Learning agendaProtect and manage the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage; provide scientific and other information about those resources; and honor its trust responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated Island Communities.
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Where is this agency headed?
Strategic goals are updated every four years and represent the broad outcomes and impacts an agency aspires to achieve over the course of an Administration's term. To advance those goals, agencies define more specific, targeted Objectives to complete.
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Promote Well-Being, Equity, and Justice for Tribes, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Insular Communities
- Tribes and the U.S. Department of the Interior have an effective government-to-government relationship and trust and treaty obligations are upheld
- Tribal, Native Hawaiian, and insular communities are safe and healthy
- Tribal, Native Hawaiian, and insular communities have economic security and growth
- Bureau of Indian education students have the education necessary for future success
Conserve, Protect, Manage, and Restore Natural and Cultural Resources in the Face of Climate Change and Other Stressors
- Lands, waters and heritage are conserved for present and future generations
- People find enjoyment and take pride in our lands, waters and heritage
- Species, habitats, and ecosystems are protected, sustained, and healthy
Sustainably Balance the Use of Resources While Supporting Communities and the Economy
- Future energy needs will be increasingly met through renewable and sustainable sources
- Current energy needs are met through balanced resource use
- Land, water, and non-energy mineral resources support the diverse needs of communities
Serve and Honor the Public Trust
- People, communities, and organizations benefit from U.S. Department of the Interior data, science, and information
- Access to opportunities, services, and resources is equitable and just
- The U.S. Department of the Interior workforce is diverse, safe, engaged, and committed to the mission
- There is confidence and satisfaction in the U.S. Department of the Interior