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Quarterly President's Management Agenda and Agency Priority Goal Updates

Photo of President Biden walking along White House Colonnade

Today, the Office of Management and Budget is publishing the latest President’s Management Agenda (PMA) quarterly updates on Performance.gov. Since the release of the Biden-Harris Management Agenda Vision last November, we’ve made key progress advancing our three core priorities: strengthening and empowering the Federal workforce; delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience; and managing the business of Government. Sharing regular updates on this work is an important part of our commitment to being accountable in delivering for the American public.

Since the initial release of the PMA Vision, Priority Area Leads and their teams have been working together to set milestones, refine challenges, and explore solutions that will create both incremental and transformational change across the Administration and for the American people. For example:

  • Workforce Priority goal teams set initial milestones, several of which have already been achieved. Notably, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued skills-based hiring guidance, and OPM and the Department of Labor released mental health resources to Federal employees.
  • Customer Experience Priority goal teams and customer experience leads have already conducted assessments for all 35 High Impact Service Providers (HISPs) and launched human-centered design research with the public about five designated Life Experiences. Further, additional investments in websites like Login.gov, a secure sign-in service that helps the public more easily access online Federal services, are driving better customer experience through improved digital services.
  • The Business of Government Priority team defined goal statements for Federal procurement and Federal financial management in this round of updates. These goal statements set the direction for how teams will leverage Federal acquisition and financial assistance to take on our nation’s most pressing challenges. Performance.gov will publish accompanying success metrics and milestones in the next update.

These efforts are just a snapshot of the goal teams’ work to plan, drive, and achieve these critical PMA priorities. Read the latest PMA status updates by visiting the PMA page.

In addition to these PMA updates, Agency Priority Goal (APG) updates are also available on Performance.gov. These goals and updates are specific to each agency and are nested within their overall missions. As such, they are separate from the PMA updates noted above. Each quarter, agencies continue to make progress and report on these goals.

By exploring agency pages on Performance.gov, you can learn how:

You can view the latest Agency Priority Goal updates from the Performance.gov homepage by clicking “Agencies” at the top of the page and selecting a specific agency from the dropdown menu.

Card with photo of GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan with quote.

Look out for more insights from PMA Leaders posted on Performance.gov's Twitter and LinkedIn.

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We invite you to follow along with us on Performance.gov, which will be updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.

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