
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

Image with text - Fed Fashion Week

Roll Out the Red Carpet: #FedFashionWeek 2021 Has Arrived!

Two library patrons in the library of congress rotunda

Roll Out the Red Carpet: #FedFashionWeek 2021 Has Arrived!

The Performance.gov team invites you to participate in our fourth annual #FedFashionWeek campaign from September 8-14 to coincide with New York Fashion Week! #FedFashionWeek is a fun and unique opportunity to spotlight federal employees and the role their functional fashion plays in carrying out their important, mission-oriented work.

Want to join us? Read on to learn how you can participate!

Serve your best “fed” looks using #FedFashionWeek! Be a part of the 2021 collection by using our comprehensive #FedFashionWeek toolkit to craft your own content (see our example below). This free toolkit includes:

  • Easy, simple templates for social media,
  • Examples for inspiration,
  • & more!

EPA ecologist examining a stream. Graphic overlay with text of on her checking a stream - 1, chest waders enable EPA ecologists like Tammy to walk into chest deep water while staying dry and protected from exposure to potential pathogens in the water. 2, passive water samplers are placed inside crab ports to detect toxic algae. HABs are showing up in flowing waters so it's important to be able to detect them in rivers and streams. 3, crab pots are anchored to concrete blocks, so storms won't wash away their equipment.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) spotlights EPA ecologist Tammy & her functional fashion that helps her study toxic algae in rivers & streams.

See what’s always on trend for public servants across government! Stay tuned through September 14 for all types of highlights, including:

  • Social media features on Performance.gov’s Twitter & LinkedIn
  • Blog posts taking a deeper dive into the people and fashion behind the great work happening across government

Follow the #FedFashionWeek hashtag on Twitter to catch what fed fashion must-haves your fellow public servants are sharing for #FedFashionWeek!

Dresses on hanging rack

Roll Out the Red Carpet: #FedFashionWeek 2021 Has Arrived!

Learn More

Any questions? Reach out to the Performance.gov team at pgovsupport@gsa.gov. We can’t wait to share your story and walk the runway with you!