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A Commitment to Results: Federal Agency Strategic Plans Now Available

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The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to sharing our strategic goals, plans, and progress. Federal agencies have worked with external stakeholders and their own workforces to create four-year strategic plans, as well as two-year Agency Priority Goals. Today we are taking an important step to meet our commitment to transparency by releasing these agency strategic goals and objectives. Together these serve as the Government’s bottom line – the results we will achieve for the public together.

Agency Strategic Plans

Over the course of the past year, agencies have been developing new Agency Strategic Plans for 2022-2026, with leadership engagement to ensure alignment with Administration priorities. Each Agency Strategic Plan lays out the strategic priorities and objectives each agency aims to achieve, the actions the agency will take, and how the agency will deal with challenges and risks. By going through this process, agencies help ensure the deliberate, sound planning and resourcing necessary to drive the effectiveness of multi-year execution efforts.

Agency Strategic Plans for 2022-2026 are available now and can be viewed from the Performance.gov homepage by clicking “Agencies” at the top of the page and selecting a specific agency from the dropdown menu.

Agency Learning Agendas

Agency strategic plans are not only connected to wider Administration priorities. They are also connected to agency risk planning and Agency Learning Agendas, or the plans and activities that drive evidence-building efforts across the Federal Government. These research projects and evaluations help improve Government-wide effectiveness and help agencies meet their strategic objectives.

Agency Learning Agendas are available on evaluation.gov.

Agency Priority Goals

In addition to building their Agency Strategic Plans, agencies have also been setting their near-term, implementation-focused priorities, or their Agency Priority Goals. Agencies establish these goals every two years. Goal Leaders and their deputies then establish quarterly metrics and milestones to manage goal progress. Agency leaders hold data-driven performance reviews at least every quarter to drive results. These reviews are already underway in many agencies.

This year some agencies are working together and have committed to joint priority goals. For example, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Energy set a joint goal on deploying Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; and the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture are working together to expand access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband internet, particularly in communities in greatest need.

The Agency Priority Goals are now available on the same agency pages as the Agency Strategic Plans. These can be viewed from the Performance.gov homepage by clicking “Agencies” at the top of the page and selecting a specific agency from the dropdown menu.

Quarterly Updates

Our latest updates highlight how the U.S. Government is working to deliver results for all Americans.

We will update Performance.gov quarterly to share progress on Agency Priority Goals. Learn more about Strategic Plans, Agency Priority Goals, and the Performance Framework in the Analytical Perspectives chapter, “Delivering a High-Performance Government.” Follow along with us as we share these updates and explore the importance of strategy and performance in the Federal Government on our blog.

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