
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

GovPossible logo with stars.

Public Service Recognition Week is Here!

GovPossible logo with stars.

Public Service Recognition Week is Here!

This year the Performance.gov team invites you to celebrate Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) with us throughout the month of May! PSRW is an opportunity to thank public servants across government for their commitment. This year, we will celebrate all the public servants who make the ordinary and extraordinary #GovPossible.

Join us in showcasing the accomplishments and impact your fellow public servants have made on a federal, state, local, and tribal level through our media campaign.

How You Can Participate

Share your appreciation using #GovPossible! Use our comprehensive PSRW toolkit to craft your own content.

This toolkit includes:

  • Easy, simple templates for social media,
  • Sample language to help you share,
  • Guidelines and best practices to create short thank you videos, & more!

Hear stories of public servants across government! Stay tuned all month long for all types of highlights, including:

  • Social media features on the Performance.gov Twitter & LinkedIn
  • Blog posts taking a deeper dive into the people behind great work happening across government
  • Short quotes from public servants about their work

Follow the #GovPossible hashtag on Twitter to catch what your fellow public servants are sharing for PSRW & #GovPossible!

Contribute your art to thank public servants! Part of the creative community? Take a look at our creative brief and share your images and messages that inspire others to thank public servants!

Read the White House’s Proclamation on Public Service Recognition Week 2021 and share with your network!

Learn More

Reach out to the Performance.gov team at pgovsupport@gsa.gov. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!