
An Official Website of the U.S. Government

National Laboratories

Goal leaders

Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe


Office of Science (DOE)

Dr. Steve Binkley

Principal Deputy Director

Office of Science (DOE)

To achieve

Deliver the highest quality R&D and production capabilities; strengthen partnerships with industry, academia, and other key regional and national stakeholders; and revitalize and modernize the physical infrastructure of the national laboratories to enable efficient national leadership in science, technology, economic competitiveness, and national security

Meet Administration priorities in two areas: advanced computing and climate change.

In the strategic area of advanced computing, deliver exascale application performance across mission-critical science and engineering applications and on multiple platforms by the end of FY 2023 and establish a viable path forward for continued U.S. leadership in advanced computing.

In the strategic area of climate change, by September 2023, use cross-laboratory models in the strategic areas of: (1) climate observations to support gaps in high-resolution climate models; and (2) predictive climate modeling to underpin solutions at the local scale to address climate change and environmental equity challenges.

Progress Updates